Chapter 11

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School again, same routine again. I got out of bed lazily and start to go up with the routine

Change, bath, lessons, lunch, dinner and other activities. Check.

It's not something new. But now I feel comfortable that mother is around here, I can gain access to do normal stuff. Like going to bed or even eating the right amount of food.

But the thought that father didn't know hurts me as mother was his and her first love ever since. They lived each other and never fights.

Mother had brunette hair, glowing chocolate-brown eyes and father had dark brunette hair with hazelnut eyes. And I got mothers hair and father eyes.

The fact I have secrets to contains was too much that I got a dairy I wrote every secret I kept on my life. Even the Risen Death.

10pm and I'm in bed, waiting for mother as I read my book. Life of the private soldiers, still reading. It only have 22 chapters on it. I do wish to be like them, I like to protect people as mother and father protects me too. But thinking about being like mother, I re-considered it.
I don't need to be like someone else to be good and make them proud; I can be me, and make them proud.

12am at midnight, I fell asleep, dreaming in my world, forgetting about me and mothers meeting.

"Alice? Darling?" A voice said.

I woke up in shock as I was in a deep sleep, probably like a coma.

It was mother waking me up.

"Alice, if you don't want to meet this time then do it in another time, okay?" Mother said calmly.

I nodded.

"So do you want to chat now?" Mother asked.

I nodded again.


"Yes mother?"

"There's an event coming up in the next 2 days." Mother said.

I was puzzled.

"An event? But we just had one, like 2 days ago!" I whispered in my angry tone.

I didn't want any other events now. I'm all tired out from my birthday already.

"Yes I know, but this event will be a ball." Mother replied.

"A ball? Again?" I asked, in disbelief.

We had balls nearly every week whenever there's something big coming up, but I don't get it. Nothing big is coming up.

"But I don't get it... there's nothing big coming up and it was just my birthday 2 days ago?" I questioned.

My eyes were full awake.

Mother laughed.

"Oh darling, it's not about you or your father." Mother explained. "It's just a ball."

I was confused. Balls are only announced when there is something special happening. That's weird.

"But how do you know?" I asked mysteriously.

"I found out by whispers from the government who plans occasions." Mother replied.

"But don't you make up the events?"

"We'll, I mean, since I'm dead , the government decided to take over that spot."

"But what about father? Isn't he the King?"

"Father is not focused on those. He works on the important stuff while I focus and work for you and the outside stuff from the importance." Mother smiled.

I smiled back.

"Can we meet tomorrow again? But maybe at 9pm? That's my bedtime mother, you know that." I asked.

Mother nodded gently, gave me a hug, a kiss on the forehead and left.

But after she left, I'm wondering if the ball is the right time for father.

This is the end of Chapter 11. If there is any mistakes, please let me know!

Please follow and comment as I work hard for these books.

P.S. You may have to wait for sometimes as I am in secondary school and have lots of homework. I hope you understand! I am trying to write these as fast as I can so you guys can read more of this!

I hope you enjoyed this book and thank you!

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