Chapter 7

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I went out of my seat and walked calmly to go to the back of the room.

There it is, the ghost that kept disturbing me.

"Hello Alice." said a voice, a voice that sounded quite familiar.

"Umm, who are you, you ghost?" I asked nervously, thinking that I might be actually cursed.

Then the ghost came to hug me tightly, as I can feel her real body.

"I'm so happy your safe darling." said the ghost.

Darling? Nobody calls me darling instead of mother and father. But the voice sounds so familiar, that I can't process it.

I looked confused as hell, wondering why she called me darling and hugged me.

The ghost looks puzzled too.

"Don't you remember me darling?" said the ghost, its eyebrow raised.

I shake my head as I had no clue what was happening.

"Oh darling, it's me, your mother!" the ghost whispered desperately.

"Mother? W-what? H-how are you here? Your dead, aren't you?" I whispered quickly, couldn't tell if this was my imagination or not.

"I know, I know... that spell I wrote in your letter..." mother explained, feeling guilty.

Thy spirit shall come to you.

Wait a minute, that was the spell. That was spell to bring back people from the dead, returning as ghost.

"Thy spirit shall come to you, I know mother." I said calmly. "But, how can I see you? It is just my imagination or is this real? Can anybody see you?"

Mother chuckled a bit. "Oh sweet heart, lots of questions. I am real, that's why you felt me hugging tightly." she explained. "People can only see me like you."

"But then who's the "other" people?" I asked with curiosity.

Mother rolled her eyes like she always does when I say something dumb. "Darling, when I say "other" people, I mean just you and father. But father never suspects anything and only thinks it is in his imagination. You got that feeling from him" mother explained, smirking at me.

I smiled back.

I couldn't believe my eyes, mother, who was just dead a year ago, and came back for me. I started tearing up.

"You look stunning darling (as always)". complimented mother. "You look just like me, your such a big girl." She kissed me on the cheek and hugged me tightly again.

"Alice White, Princess of Clover, can please come up to the stage." announced the priest.

"Come on, you better go!" hurried mother, she doesn't want me to miss anything on my own birthday.

This is the end of Chapter 7. If there are any mistakes, please let me know!

Please follow me as I work hard in these books.

P.S you might have to wait for sometime for me to write the next chapters as I am in secondary school and have lots of homework.

I like the chapter! I hope you enjoyed and thank you!

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