Chapter 9

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The next day after my birthday, Sunday, and I dragged myself out of bed to get ready.

The maid helped me bath and changed into my gown since no other events are happening right now.

I went through my normal routine: breakfast, reading, learning and relaxing.

Father told me if I'm okay or not, since he saw me talking to a wall yesterday.

I was sitting at the sofa in the Big Hall where it's quiet and shallow, reading and learning like I always do whenever I have free times like this. Tomorrow, meet me there 3pm sharp, in your room, mothers words reflected me as I completely forgotten about the deal we had and was so distracted by the Life of a Royal Guard, the book that I'm reading.

I'm always a book worm, sometimes I even get distracted by them. Father was impress of the improvisation of my English lessons as I used to be bad, now they became my hobby.

3pm and I headed to my room where all my kept secrets are placed and my well-being here.
"Hello darling." mother said happily, happy that I'm here.

"Hi mother!" I said in excitement while I lock the door so no one can see what's going on. "So, shall we talk about life then I guess mother?"

Mother nodded.

"You see, this is a secret, holding on for years, even your father doesn't know about."

"Secrets? Years? What do you mean mother?" I asked confusingly.

"A secret that hold this Palace together. The Risen Death."

I gasped.

"Risen D-Death?"

Mother nodded.

"The Risen Death is a spell for dead people to come to life, like me. They write down the spell in a piece of paper or something that will be your last. Then, after burial, you come back to life as a ghost, and choose people you want to be seen in." mother explained successfully. "Your not meant to know this but I guess you know now."

"Now you do not disobey me as this is kept as a secret darling" Mother said. "Let's meet again, maybe in night where no one hears us in the middle of the night."

I nodded.

I still have feelings of curiosity.

"But, then what about father, when will he know your here? What do I do?" I asked impatiently.

"Wait for the right time, I'm sure he will see it at some point, just the right time." Mother adjusted.

"But when is it the right time?"

"The right time, is when the moment he realises." mother said.

Mother hugged me tightly again and kissed me on top of my head and went off.

So this is why she became a ghost, just for me. Thinking that I have been cursed but cursed for a good and valuable reason.

This is the end of Chapter 9. If there are any mistakes, please let me know!

Please follow me as I work hard for these books!

P.S You may have to wait for sometimes as I am I'm secondary school and has LOTS of homework.

This chapter was long and I hope you enjoyed this book. Thank you!

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