Chapter 6

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I see a white ghostly figure standing,5ft tall and has long hair. Her eyes opened wide with her proud smile. She was wearing a dress that was flowing like an ocean. The flow of the dress seemed to be unreal.

Above all that, she was beautiful as my dress.

Her body was see-through like glass and her hands looked delicate like an angel's halo. And was wearing a ring on her left hand.
Wait.. a ring?

Thy spirit shall come to you, is that a clue to what mother said?

I started looking around, not focusing of what's happening in the reality world and tried to see what is happening to me.

A breeze just hit. A breeze? But the windows are shut and it is sunny outside.
Maybe I'm cursed but not think I am?

I wrapped my head around into full concentration and waited impatiently for the person to crown me.

A sea of scenarios flooding in my head with nerve racking fidgeting going on.

"I announce that Alice White, will be crowned as our princess for this country." shouted out our commander formerly.

Hmm, it wasn't a crown but a tiara.
The tiara was covered in majestic white rhinestones and a flower pattern to represent Clover (our country). The tiara was blinding like stars shining near the moonlight and was too pretty to look away, realising that that is my tiara.

As the person walked in front of me, he carefully took the tiara and gently placed it on my head. The feeling of all my fears had crept away from me. My eyes glistened with proudness as I stood up to say my very first speech.

"I am here, proudly to say with passion and determination, that I,Alice White, Princess of Clover can say many thanks and support and wish for the best luck for you, and me."

Everyone stood up from the benches and applauded me after I sat back down in my soft chair. Feeling so special that I get to take part.

After the coronations, everyone went to the ballroom and started to dancing for celebration. Music was tuning in as I danced with my father, looking happy as ever on my birthday and had a good time.

Another breeze just hit. A breeze? Again? I thought I was over it but I didn't think it would be true.

I started to become disturbed.

Thy spirit shall come to you, the thought hit me like a rock again. My mindset changed and was fully focused on this mystery. Then a the white figured ghost popped up again, she was just standing there gently, smiling unconsciously.

I kept looking at her to see if it was my imagination.

"Dinner time!" father shouted as everyone went to collect there plates.

I wasn't hungry as I wanted to solve this mystery of what's going on back there. I sat at my reserved seat, staring at the back of room, trying to figure out what's happening.

"Not hungry dear?" asked father.

I shamed my head, looking confused.

"Well if your hungry, there's always more food for you darling." replied father as he kissed me on the head and went off.

The temptation of me going to see the back of the room to see what is there.

But I did it...

This is the end of Chapter 6. If there are any mistakes, please let me know!

Please follow me and vote for me as I work hard into these books.

P.S. You may have to wait for sometimes for me to write the chapters since I am in Secondary school and have lots of homework!

I hope you understand and enjoyed this chapter! Thank you!

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