Loosing A Friend

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Casey's POV
I couldn't think of anything just why is she here. How is she here?

How is she here....why?

Logan. That was the only answer to the problem. I didn't dare look at her I couldn't. I didn't need to cry when James was there ,he didn't need to see me weak.I needed to be strong for him,for us.

"Who is this?" James says looking at my mom suspiciously.

"Cynthia, she's my mom or was suppose to be" I shoot a dirty glace at her and she looks upset. Good, she should be.

"Nice to meet you" Cynthia said shaking James hand. I study his weak hands,pale and almost blue.I want to cry again, I fight the urge to cry.

Do it for James

"Casey we should talk" I roll my eyes and scoff. We won't ever talk, she ruined that. Ever since she hit me it's a whole lot of her apologizing and me listening or not giving a shit and that's not talking.

"We don't talk, you apologize, I listen. You promise to never do it again, I never believe you and you do it again."

"I'm pregnant" Tears are running down her cheek.

"Do we at least know the father will stay?" I say with a bunch of sarcasm in my face.

"It's not my fault your father left me. He didn't love me anymore Casey, you had to listen to me. Your dad didn't want me,he left us."

"Mom even if that was so, you both left me. I was alone in that house for months, I can't remember the last time I've seen you. I wanted you to come home, I wanted a family. " My eyes are swelling up with tears.

Please don't break not here.

"And I'm sorry Casey" I wipe my eyes so tears won't come.

"When was the last time I heard that" I roll my eyes at her. I give myself a point for so much sarcasm in a day.

"I can't fight to be in your life. I'm done trying Casey when you're ready to grow up and stop acting like a kid then I'll be at the house" She walks out the room and I don't stop her.

Me being childish? Yeah right. I'm just not stupid enough to chase after you or fall in one of your stupid lies.

"I promise I won't leave you like daddy did" My mom said as she brushed my hair.

I mentally laugh. The lies people will tell you to make you happy.

"Mom I forgive you" He says quietly almost a whisper. I know she hears him and she hugs him.

"I'll leave you guys to catch up. I have to go do something really quick " I give him a smile and he nods.

"I'll wait till you come back to do the surgery" I nod this time a exit the door. As I walk down the hall I can see his whole family waiting in the waiting chairs. I walk past them next to Logan whose sitting alone in a corner.

Logan POV
"Why did you call my mother" Her voice was high and cracky.I could tell she was hurt.

"You needed her" I say simply.

"No. I didn't need her, I needed my best friend. You knew I hated her!" She's yelling at me in a whisper so people can't hear us fighting but I can still feel eyes on us.

"Case I'm sorry I made a mistake" I say quietly.

"You're sorry? I don't know who you are anymore. Your acting weird, you flinch when we touch, you look at me weirdly and I don't know how to deal with it."

I sigh. Has it been this noticeable? I can't believe it. I should tell her just out with it and tell her.

Casey I love you

But it's not that simple. I couldn't say that there's so many reasons why I can't, her boyfriend in the hospital fighting for his life, she's getting married, and right now she hates me.

"I'm sorry Case"

She's crying now. I want to hold her and help her tell her it's okay,but I don't I stay there and watch her because I know that she doesn't want to be touched. She's hurt and not only by me but by James.

"Leave me alone delete my number. Just never talk to me anymore." She gets up and walk away. I can't say anything, my heart is frozen. I can't move. I want to leave but I can't seem to get up. I just look at her and she turns her head to look at me. Her beautiful grey eyes filled with tears, her face red from all the crying, her hair in a messy bun, her glasses sliding off her nose and I can't think of anything.

I lost her.

I get up and walk out the hospital door. No telling where I go next and to be completely honest I don't care.

Casey's POV
I watch him leave, he doesn't notice. There goes our friendship. He shouldn't have to see me like this, I'll be fine on my own. I won't be alone I'll have James. I take off my glasses and wipes my eyes with the ends of my sleeves, then put my glasses back on.

"He wants to see you before the surgery so technically right now" Claire says walking up to me. I nod and walk through the hallway slowly trying to gain all the strength and composure to see him again.

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