The hospital

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Logan POV
I keep thinking of Casey.

No don't think about her

Casey. I sigh from happiness from the name, then I shake my head. No more Casey I keep telling myself. No more.

"You seem awfully quiet" I looked at Casey. Her beautiful grey eyes and a small smile crept forming on her lips."Eyes on the road!!" She pointed and I quickly reverted my eyes on the road.

"Sorry" I mumbled.

"Are you trying to kill us all" She laughs and I laugh with her.

"Are you scared?" I find myself asking her. She nods.


"Then I'll come with you when you ask your mom"

"Really?"From the corner of my eye I can see her face light up. I nod.

I keep driving and driving with her talking about James or the marriage but then I hear throwing up in the backseat. I look in the review mirror and James is having a seizure. I quickly pull over. Everything happens so fast in a time like this, Case is crying confused to what's going on. Me on the other hand I'm calling 911.

"Yeah I have a boy in the back of my car and he's having a seizure." I speak fast probably trembling over my words.

"Ok where are you" She says calmly.

"I'm on the free way " I say fast." Can you just hurry"

"Okay the paramedics will be coming shortly. Would you like me to stay on the line?"

"No thank you" then I hung up.

I hold Casey's hand to tell her it's going to be okay. She nods though she's still very scared. The paramedics come in about 10 minutes and take him on the stretcher where we will meet him in the hospital.

I drive to the hospital with Casey in the front seat and the window down. It smells like puke, the smell reminds us of it all over again.

"Why would this happen?" Case wipes her tears from her eyes. I want to comfort her and tell her why but I can't. We reach the hospital and I park as fast as I can. Then me and Case are running inside. We don't bother who thinks we're crazy were on a mission to see James.

"Hi may I help you?" A older lady says at the front desk. She has greenish eyes and grey hair that falls right above her shoulders.

"I need to see James Williams." I say fast.

"They are doing test right now but the doctors will be out soon" She gave us a small smile."You can sit over there" She pointed to some chairs and I took Casey's hand and we sat down.

Casey's POV
I keep quiet. I can't breathe or speak. I don't want to anymore. I picture his pale face, I thought he was just coming down with a cold but it's more then that. There's something wrong, I can sense it. It seems like forever but I know it's only been a couple minutes. I notice I've been crying and I wipe my tears.

He doesn't even know you love him

I sigh. Why couldn't I tell him before? 3 simple words he probably won't ever get to hear. Logan squeezes my hand and I look at him. I give him a look that makes him know I don't want to talk about it.

My heart is racing, I'm shaking. I feel like my heart just might explode soon. It gets hard to breathe but I try to breathe slowly.

Stay strong for James

And I do. I do it for James.

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