Your lil secret

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James POV
I wake up to silence. I can't hear anything but the engine and steady breathing. Its dark outside and Logan is still driving. Casey is sleeping a piece of her hair that escaped the ponytail has fallen in her face, I want to move it out the way but I know she would wake up.

"So your a creep too?"I hear Logan's voice say. I laugh silently.

"A creep?"

"Yeah for staring at her while she sleeps."

"She's my girlfriend I'm aloud to do that" I say putting more expression on the my. He looked at me and scoffed.

"I know your hiding something I don't know what but you are hiding something. I will find it." He said in a serious tone. I rolled my eyes.

Logan's POV
"I think we're going to sleep in the car tonight" I said yawning and breaking the silence. I've been driving for hours and James hasn't said anything since my last comment.

"Okay that's fine with me" Casey said smiling at James. She moved to the back seat so they could sleep together. They were holding hands and she kissed his cheek. Part of me hated it. Them together. Whatever he was hiding it's big and I promise to Casey I will find out.

"It's fine with me too" James said smiling back at her. We talked for awhile about Haley and the Barbies and Kens. I fell asleep... fast asleep.

Casey's POV
I laugh. Logan fell asleep in the middle of a sentence. He looks so peaceful sleeping his blonde hair falling in his face. He's smiling, even when he sleeps he still uses his charm.

"Day dreaming?"James said smiling. I shake my head.

"I'm just thinking" I say smiling back. He touches my cheek softly and moves a hair out of my face that must've fallen out of my ponytail. He kisses me softly and I kiss him back.

"I love you" He says smiling.

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