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I locked the door quickly and layed in my bed. I need Logan...I won't be able to handle this alone. I hurried up and pulled out my phone.

Hey can we talk I need you-Case

We can't I'm busy but I can later-Logan

This is really important the bitch is back-Case

Your mom? -Logan

Yes! -Case

All right I'll be right over-Logan

No she's in the house I dont want you to talk to her. I'll go to your house. -Case


I tucked my phone away in my pocket and cleaned my glasses. My house was 1 storied so I climbed out the window. I then started to run in the direction of Logan's house. I only been in Logan's house a couple times. His mom and dad hate how I always end up in his room. I'd think they would be used to it. Logan brings home basically any girl from school.

I stopped in front of his house and knocked on the door. I heard some yelling and footsteps then the door opened. There stood Logan with blood dripping from his nose. He grabbed my hand and ran away from the house. I followed him though I had a hard time keeping up. He stopped and let go of my hand, It left blood on my arm.

"What the hell happened to your face?" I said looking at his nose. It was red and bruised.

"Nothing I'm fine" He then took off his shirt and cleaned his nose with it and through it on the floor.

"Logan what happened?" I say putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Your mom is back? Why?" He said changing the subject I let it go.

"Yeah she back...she basically wants a second chance." I say looking at the floor.

"Maybe you should give it to her" He putting his hands in his pocket.

"She doesn't deserve it" I say quickly.

"Make her earn it."He said calmly. I nodded and he gave me a hug. He was warm and I rest my head in his neck and we're hugging longer then usual. We stay there what seems like hours though I know it's only been about 3 minutes. I don't want to let go, I want to stay in his arms. I don't know why but I feel a warm feeling inside. I quickly push him away, I needed to push that feeling away.

"I'm sorry" I said laughing it off like a joke. I then saw the dark brown hair boy walking towards us. I could feel heat rising in my cheeks.

"Hey your pajama girl" He said his voice was soft yet low.

"Hey" I said my voice came out as  high pitched."I'm assuming your not good with names" I said smiling.

"I would be if you gave me one" He said laughing. I blushed I didn't give him my name.

"I'm Casey or Case" I couldn't stop smiling at him.

"I'm James" He said pulling out his had for me to shake. I reach out to grab his hand but pull back immediately. I don't like touching people.

"I'm Logan" Logan said grabbing his hand and shaking it.

"The boy friend?" James said looking at Logan. Logan shook his head no."Oh"

"Yeah so what brings you here?" I said looking around.

"I wanted to check out my new neighborhood " He said cheerfully.

"Oh cool me and Case was just going"  Logan said pulling my hand back the direction we came.

"Okay I'll see you guys later"I heard his voice say.

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