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Logan's POV (at work)
Its hard to work when you have so much on your mind. I don't even know why she's on my mind. To be honest she has always been on my mind but lately it's different I can't explain it. I feel a buzzing in my pants I quickly take out my phone. 1 message from Haley. I broke it off with Haley, I feel bad for it. I don't even know if I really loved her. I think I did but then again I've never loved anyone in my life.

How is working? I miss you guys like crazy there is literally no one fun here. Barbies and Kens made up a rumor you got Casey pregnant and ran away. They said that James was out of town because his dad is rich and took him to Europe. Anyway tell Casey to answer her phone!! She's been ignoring me latley-Haley

Will do-Logan

I put my phone back in my pocket smiling. Why I was smiling I didn't know.

"Your burning the food " I hear someone say I quickly scramble the eggs.

Thanks Case for teaching me how to day dream

Casey's POV (at home)
I lay in bed staring at the ceiling. What's wrong with Logan these days? Is he still upset because of Haley? Maybe I could bring her back and they can get back together. He just seems so distant...
I guess I fell asleep because when I woke up James was standing in front of me. I probably looked like a mess but I didn't care.

"Hey sleepy head" James said sitting next to me. He looked a little more pale.

"Are you okay? You look a bit pale" I said sitting up.

"Yeah I'm fine" He said holding my hand. I smile and laid my head in his lap. He plays with my hair and I can hear his heartbeat beating fast.

"Can we move to another state now? I love Colorado but it gets boring." I say laughing. He smiles and nods. He gets up slowly pushing himself off the bed. I look at him confused, I'm scared.

James POV
I'm weak right now. I can barley walk or talk,I'm going to have to tell her soon. I just have to keep pushing myself. I have too.

Logan packs up our stuff in my car and he decides to drive so I can rest. I fall soundlessly asleep drifting away in my dreams.

Logan's POV
"Looks like he's out" I hear her say laughing quietly.

"Yeah" I say in a dull voice.

"What's the matter with you?" She said putting her hair up."you've been acting different"

I laugh. Its funny to me, to accuse me of acting different.

"Nothing is wrong with me. What's wrong with you all of a sudden your happy and shit. You barely even notice me anymore, you never say hi when I walk in, your always talking about James. What happened to the Case I know the one with the glasses and didn't wear contacts the one I thought was beautiful. The one who was afraid to do anything that could get her in trouble. The person who daydreamed.The friend I knew I could always count on. What happened to us?" I say practically yelling at her. I looked at her, she was crying. She had nothing to say.

" I didn't mean that."I say looking at the road. I couldn't bare to look at her.

"Its fine it's true." She said sniffling.

"No it's not, your right ,I changed. We changed." I said sighing."Remember how we first met?" I looked from the corner of my eye and saw she was nodding." I was making out with Jennifer and you were just staring at us" I laugh like it's the funniest thing in the world. She laughs too."I looked at you and you quickly ran into the bathroom stall. I told Jennifer to leave and she did. You were calling me a pervert and a jerk. If I remember correctly you called me a player too."I looked at her to see if she was listening. She was." You were crying I could tell. I couldn't tell if it was because I hurt you or something else but you did come out and you said sorry. Then you told me to get out"After that I didn't leave you alone. I followed you to class,made you my partner until you broke and let me in." I smile but she's crying again but happy tears.

"That's what you get for staying in the girls bathroom." She said laughing. I laughed with her." What's you favorite memory with me?" She looked out the window and I pictured me helping her from that guy, I remembered when we first met, our first hug, when I threw her in the garbage, when we danced in the rain. I remembered our dumb jokes and when she's nervous she bites her lip, I remember talking her to my room and holding her when she's crying.

"The hallway " I say. Out of everything this is my favorite memory of her.

"Why the hallway? What hallway?" She said looking at me.

"The very first time I saw you, you were walking in the halls. Your hair was in a ponytail and you were biting your lip. It was embarrassing actually I ran into a pole staring at you. You didn't notice I was staring. Your backpack was swung over your right shoulder.I wanted to know you after that" I paused. Then the last part slips through my mouth before I even think about it."I had too"

Her grey eyes are big and open. I must of surprised her with my answer.

Casey's POV
I can't say anything, he probably thinks I'm a freak just staring at him.

Casey say something anything

"Thanks my favorite memory of you is when you held me the first time I cried in front of you " I say looking out the window. I remember it clearly,I was upset because my dad texted me in class saying he was going to marry another girl.I didn't bother asking who or why or when I just started crying. I never told him why I was crying he didn't need to know why but he helped me through it. I thanked him for it, when he held me I felt safe. I loved being his friend a pain in the ass sometimes but I feel connected to him somehow.

"And I held you" He said smiling. He remembers it too. Of course he does."your hair smelled like strawberries" He said quietly.I laugh, I don't know why but I laugh like it's the funniest thing ever.

"Thanks" I say laughing. He laughs with me.This is my best friend and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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