James's secret

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Casey's POV
"What?" I said looking at him. I must of not heard him correctly.

"Look I know we're young but we can ask our guardians to approve and we can get married." He said holding my hands. I was breathless.

"This is so soon" I say choking out the words. I couldn't breathe. I didn't even know if I loved him. How can I marry him?

"Casey come on"He said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Let me think about it" I say letting go of his hands and he simply nodded.

"Lets go home" He said walking away. I followed him.

James POV
Nice going genius she doesn't even love you why would she want to marry you? Also we just started dating a couple months ago. Say sorry. Apologize.

I shook my head. I knew I should apologize but I can't bring myself to it. Everything goes blurry again and I blink a few times to stay awake. It doesn't seem to be working and most of my vision is a black blur.

No not right now please

I keep saying to myself. I don't know if I stopped or if I'm still walking. My mind is a mess then I quickly snap back to the real world. I'm breathing heavy like I just ran a mile.

Your going to have to tell her.

I roll my eyes. I can't tell her. She would leave me, every girl has. I have gotten this far with her and she likes me. She really likes me. I won't let this end my relationship with her. Not this time.

We reach home and she walks into the bathroom probably changing into night clothes. I walk to Logan's hotel room and knock quietly on the door. In seconds it opens and Logan invites me in.

"Just the person I'm trying to talk to" Logan says with a sad smile.

"What did you want?" I say rolling my eyes.

"I know your secret" He said quietly and he didn't dare look at me when he said it.

"I don't have secret" I say standing up getting ready to leave. There's no way he knows.

"You have cancer." He said flatly. I stop. He knows. I don't look at him nor do I say anything. "I went into your room when you left and your phone was their. Dr.Hims called and she was wondering when you were coming in. Then I asked for what. You have lung cancer" I can feel the sadness in his voice. The pity.

"You caught me. What are you going to do tell Casey?" I say looking at him.

"No I won't tell Case. I don't need her freaking out but are you going to die?" He says quietly.

"I honestly don't know." I say quietly back to him. He looks at me with sorrow in his eyes.

"Why did you come here?" He said trying to change the subject.

"I asked Casey to marry me" I say running my hands through my hair.

Logan's POV
I don't know why but my heart hurts. I sit down and listen.

"She said she would think about it" He said fixing his shirt. A flash of relief came over me.

You still have a shot

I erased that thought from my head. I don't want Casey. She's just a friend.

"Oh well you are young I can't see why you would want to marry her right now" I say taking off my shirt and walking to the drawer to get a new one.

"You know why" He said flatly. I sigh and put on a new shirt.

"Fine I'll talk to her" I say walking into the bathroom.

"Thanks" I hear him say then I hear the door shut. I look at myself in the mirror.

Why did Casey pick him over me

I punched the counter and bit my lip to hold back my scream.

Fuck! What the hell is wrong with me get it together Logan.

I run my hand over cold water then lay in bed. Trying hard not to think of Case.

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