James Secret part 2

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Casey's POV
"Hey" I hold his hand. There cold. Very cold.

"I guess you met my aunt,uncle and cousin" He said laughing. "I wish I would've been their to introduce you guys "

"Your mom is coming "His aunt said. He sighed.

"Why?" He rolled his eyes. " I don't want to see her."

"You have to she's your mom and she's paying for your surgery" His aunt argued back.

"I'm not doing the surgery"

"James don't be stubborn! You can die. Do you want to die?"

"Well no but I don't want her help"

"James please I don't want to lose you" Sarah said wiping her eyes.

"I'll be okay without it."James said simply.

"No you won't your going to die!" Sarah said running out of the room.

"I'll get her "Mrs. and Mr. Swine went to go chased after her.

"I'll help them" Logan said walking out the door.

Why did he need surgery....

"I have something to tell you but sit please" He said looking at a chair next to him. I sit down in the chair and hold his hand.

James POV
I have to tell her now before anybody else can say more.

Just take a deep breath and tell her.

"I have lung cancer " I say squeezing her hand. She looks confused,hurt, sad, anything but happy.

Casey's POV
My heart stopped.I must of have not heard him well.

No he can't have cancer.

Stay strong don't cry

"Why didn't you tell me" I don't look at him and let go of his hand.

"I was afraid you were going to leave me" Fury started rising in my chest.

"James I fucking love you and I've been figuring out ways to tell you. How to figure this feeling out. I wanted you." I say standing up.

"Wait" I don't wait. I walk out crying, I'm vulnerable. I'm upset over everything.

James POV
She just leaves and I know I probably won't see her again. My heart is breaking, I can feel it.

James I fucking love you....

Those words float around in my head. I'm going to make it through this. I have to be strong.

For Casey. Do this for Casey.

I'm going to get that surgery done.

Casey POV
I don't stop, I keep walking. Before I know it I'm in a park. Its dark,cold, and it's going to rain soon. I let out all my tears,not caring who saw. I'm furious that he didn't tell me, that he let me fall in love with him.

Your so stupid. Everything good for you just falls.

I sit on the swing, it's my fault. I should've known something was wrong. I put my hands in my pocket and there was a box in there. I open it slowly and there was a ring and a note.

Dear Casey, you probably will figure out that I left this in here,well I made Logan put it in here if something went wrong. You must know about the cancer now. I really wish I could've gotten you to love me but I do love you. Always. I've never been so happy in my life, you were the reason I pushed so far. I thought I could live without the surgery and everyday I seem to get weaker. I don't know how much I can take. If I get the surgery there's only a 43% chance that I'll live. Please wear the ring,it was my grandma's. I know that we might never get that chance to get married but I'm glad you said yes. I love you...
Yours truly,

The rain fell down hard and I hurried and put the paper in the box. I put the ring on and shut the box putting it safely in my pocket.

You did get me to love you James.

I look at the ring. It was beautiful it was a flower with a diamond in the middle. I cry while looking at it. I scream and kick the wet sand on the floor.

"Why did this happen to him?!" I found myself yelling at the sky. I cried more banging n the pole as hard as I can. My hand was probably bruised but I didn't care. I kicked at the pole and kept screaming.

"God why him" I feel arms behind me and I know there Logan's.

"Calm down" He whispers in my ear. I fall to the floor,crying. "Just breathe" I breathe silently the tears stopping on their own. He hugs me and I hug him back. We stay there for awhile, I breathe quietly in his chest."James wants to see you" He says softly. I nod.

We walk to the hospital soaked in rain but I didn't care. I didn't care what anyone thought. It matters what I thought. I looked like a mess, my brown hair is in a messy bun and my face is probably red from crying. James's aunt is still here with Sarah and Phillip. There's a new women next to them she has brown hair and green eyes. His mom.

"Oh sweetie" Mrs.Swine embraced me in a hug. I didn't want to cry again, I simply hugged her back."He's been waiting for you"I sigh and walk through the hall again and into his room. He sits there paler than he was before.

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