Revisiting the past

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"Where are you guys going?" James said.

"Oh were going on a trip all around the world. Were going to drop school and live life early." Haley said smiling like it was her idea.

"I want in" He looked at me and smiled. I smiled slightly back but then quickly stopped.

"Well from what I heard is Casey was suppose to ask you." She said looking at me.

"Well I accept. Tomorrow we will leave come to my house at 7am sharp and also bring your stuff "With that said he walked off. I sighed.

"He's totally into you" Haley said smiling. I shrugged it off as though it was nothing but a part of me was happy. I wanted that part gone.

She walked me all the way home. We talked about food and Logan. I walked in my room and locked the door behind me. I couldn't wait to leave this place. I felt a vibration in my pocket and I pulled out my phone.

Glad that you could make it.-Logan

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

I had to I mean I couldn't let you go all alone with Haley. You probably wouldn't leave the bedroom ;)-Casey

Lol something like that-Logan

Meet me at my house at 6 and bring your stuff-Casey

Alright bossy-Logan

I smiled and put my phone in my front pocket of my backpack with my makeup (I rarely use) and toothbrush.

I then put some clothes in there and my credit card. I jumped when I heard the door knock. I opened it, it was my mom. This time she was drunk. Rehab my ass. She pushed me on the floor.

"What the fuck are you doing thinking you can lock your door?"She said. She was slurring her words and her breath smelled like alcohol. I quickly got up. There was no way in hell I could go back to the old times.

"Get away from me" I said walking slowly away from her. She smirked and walked closer.

"You think I'm a bad mother?" She laughed."I'll show you a bad mother" She then punched me and I winced.

I stumbled to the floor but quickly got up. I grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulders and ran past her. I needed out of here today.

When I reached outside I ran, I could hear my mom yelling outside for me. I didn't turn back I kept running and running. When I finally stopped I was in front of Logan's house. I knocked on the door gently so I didn't awake his parents and he opened the door instantly. He pulled me in and hugged me.

"Don't cry" He said softly in my hair. I didn't even know I was crying. I never let anyone touch me but Logan. I trust him. He won't hurt me. I hugged him back and buried my face in his chest. "Do you want to talk about it?" He said silently, I shook my head. I didn't want to tell anyone. They would think I was some freak with a alcoholic mother. Logan knew my mom was a alcoholic but not that she hit me when I was little. I hated her ever since.

Before I knew it I was being carried upstairs. I kept zooming in and out on the conversation. I fell asleep in his arms.

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