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Casey POV
His beautiful green eyes still light up when he smiles at me. I want to cry again but I don't. Not in front of him.

"Hey" He smiles and I try to smile back.

"Hey" my voice comes out better then I thought that would.

"I didn't expect you to come back" He looks into my eyes. Its like he's searching for something.

"Is this what you meant different?" I look at the floor.

"Yes" He said sighing. I look keep my eyes focus on the floor."I'm glad you came back" I still don't look at him." Why did you come back?" His voice is like a whisper.

Why did I come back?

I stay silent for awhile, we both don't say anything.

"Because I love you" I look at him now. He smiles.

"I love you too. Come here" He pulls me close and kisses me. I kiss him back and he slides his tongue in my mouth playfully swirling it around mine. I put my hand on his cheek and his on my neck securing our kiss.

"Excuse me" A nurse walks in. I blush.

"Yes?" James says watching me. I give him a smile.

"The surgery is ready when your ready. Just inform us when things are.....clear" The nurse gave me a smile before walking out.

Once she left me we started bursting out laughing. I sigh and another woman walks in. Same brown hair as James with a couple grey hairs and the same warm smile.

"Mom?" He stopped laughing and looked surprised.

"James" She said sitting on the chair next to him. Tears filled up her eyes, but anger in my heart. She left him, just like my mom left me. No explanation.

"What are you doing here, actually I don't care get out" He looked like he was going to cry to.

"No I am your mother I will not go"

"My mother?" He scoffed." You left once you found out I had cancer, if you were my mom you wouldn't of left" He wiped his eyes.

There's the explanation....

"I couldn't handle it sweetie, I didn't want to believe you were sick" She said crying, part of me felt bad the other part didn't. She deserved to shed tears, she was never there for him. He needed a mother, but of course she wasn't there.

"Not once did you visit me, every hospital visit I had to go with my aunt. I went 13 years without you. I'm 17 now, did you even know that?"

"Sweetie I'm sorry but I'm here now" she said calmly.

"You left me! You can't just come back and expect me to forgive you.I won't forgive you Claire not right now. Now please get out while I talk to my beautiful fiance" She looked at me and smiled.

" I came back to find a way in your heart but it turns out my place has been filled. James I was scared, I should've been there for you. I should of been at every birthday but I can't go back in time. No-one can, I'm going to try and fix my mistake make up for my 13 years of lost. If you give me a chance if not then I can walk out of here and never come back. It's all up to you James. Just know whatever happens I love you." She said giving him a sad smile. He says nothing for awhile just looks at her. I can tell he's thinking. It's so quiet I can hear ants crawling on the table.

James opens up his mouth to say something but then someone else walks in.

My mother.

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