The ignoring

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Logan's POV

I walked quietly in the halls, everyone looked at me. I tried avoiding Case in the halls, I tried avoiding her period. It's not that I'm mad at her or anything it's just I know she will ask why I pulled her away from James. I don't even know why I pulled her away from James, I mean they are friends just like me and Casey are.

"Hey" I felt someone tap myself shoulder, I jumped. I turned around and sighed of relief. It was just Haley.

"Hey" I said giving her a smile. I also have been avoiding her.

"Why won't you talk to me or Casey?" I could tell she was upset."We called you all yesterday"

"I lost my phone" I said though it was a lie.

"Are we even together anymore?" She said looking me in the eye.

"Of course. Come here" I then pulled her in for a kiss and she kissed me back softly. We walked in the hall in silence her hand in mine. I always loved the feeling but now something's different. Something's changed.

When it was lunch time I sat next to Haley at the "Ken and Barbies" table. Then he walked in and not alone he walked in with Jessica .

"Move over so James can sit down." Jessica said smiling. I move over and him and Jessica sat down.

"Hey dude." He said smiling. I hated him. I wanted to punch him right there.

"Hey" is all I managed to choke out. I then saw Casey walk down our aisle I quickly hid under the table.

"Are you okay?" James said looking at me confused.

"I'm fine. Just dropped something "  I said getting back up. He just nodded. The rest of the lunch was silent.

In class I avoided her too. I didn't have eye contact with her nor did I sit with her.

Wait why are you hiding for? I hear me asking myself. I don't know the answers.

After school I walked home. I usually go to Casey's. What's wrong with you didn't do anything wrong. I then turned around to walk to Casey's house. I'm right I didn't do anything wrong.


Casey's POV

After school I waited for Logan. Maybe he just had something to do I kept saying to my self but all day it was like he tried to avoid me.


No I'm going crazy he wouldn't avoid me were friends....unless he doesn't want to be maybe Jennifer snapped some sense in him.

I shook my head. I quickly pulled out my phone and checked the time.4:30 we got out a hour ago. I headed home.

I'm sure he just got caught up with Haley.

I sighed. I reached my house and Logan was sitting on the bench outside.

"Hey" He said smiling. I rolled my eyes."I know you must be mad at me for ignoring you but I have a good reason." He said getting up. I crossed my arms over my chest." I don't know yet why I did it "  He said walking toward me,I bit my lip. He held my hand and looked in my grey eyes, I had to look into his."I'm sorry" He was so close I could feel his breath on my nose. I blushed, I've never been this close to him.

"Its okay" I said letting go of his hands and taking a step back. He looked hurt but I knew that must've been my imagination.

"You, me, James and Haley" He said like an idea just flew in his head.

"What about us?"I said looking confused.

"Lets leave this place"

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