Chapter 1

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My mum and dad is king and queen of Clover. Alex and Selena white. They had a perfect relationship and they loved each other very much. and that's when 1999, 20th of June where I was born, Alice White.

The Palace was very big for the three household and the guards outside. The house was coloured in lavender-purple with white and gold stripes on the top and bottom.
Every room was accurately the same size and is used to have different things on it, like my room, mother and father's room,changing rooms, lots of bathrooms and rooms for guards too,I suppose.
We have 3 gardens and I know it was a lot, but it was used to do many things like farming or gardening.

Every Sunday we had supper with pudding, all-day-breakfast and some juice. I always have a walk out with my parents and I was the only child in the royal family.

My school was excellent, there's no complaint from my parents and I was always good.
I always said that I want to work as a guard as I love learning about the outside world, despite protecting people. But mother and father decline that. But then father was a guard his days, but I don't get why I can't.

Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I have limited jobs.

I loved my life as any kid would.

My life was almost perfect until after my 15th birthday, mother passed away from a boat crash. She was at a meeting in her job, meeting relatives on the boat to chat and introduce.
My father always had a sea of doubt of her going on boats as where his ex-wife died there too.
My mother was the only love that father needs. It's like a heart ripped in half,loosing the love of that you love the most.

I cried so hard, I never thought about talking to my friends anymore or event what had happened that night I found out. I lost quite a few friends that I didn't talk to. I lost track of time and stop focusing.

Everything changed that night,  it was the most traumatising moment of my life...

After the night mother died, Father packed every photo of mother and place them in her room. He stored every bit of gold, clothing and memorial pictures in her room and locked the doors forever.

Seeing all her stuff, getting packed away, felt gutted in the pain. The lightning struck outside my window,I was scared for life. I quickly went downstairs at the corridors and burst into tears in my fathers room, hugging and crying how much I miss mother every second of it. And so then I went to sleep with him.

Mother always helped me with all my school work  and stuff, and she's the only one who has free time to spend with me. Father goes to work to do some changes.

I hate to the new change after that night, I couldn't stop thinking about what happened, and also hit me that I wasn't listening to anyone, but myself thinking, hiding my emotions, and kept every secret to myself.

I didn't want to tell my friends about what happened every day at school, normally I always look enthusiastic  to learn fresh things. Even the teachers asked me what happened, I just reply, "I'm good, just really bad hay fever."

After that day , newspapers has been brought up, R.I.P posters on every single branch and for a week, no one made a single soul of a sound...

This is the end of Chapter 1. If there are any minor mistakes, please tell me.

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Thank you for reading and hope you enjoy!

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