Chapter thirty-eight

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Leon: when we entered the building I immediately looked for Vilu but she was nowhere....I saw my dad talking with all his business partners but I don't care. I walk up to him "dad can I talk to you?"

Ldad: "son please I'm busy"

Leon: "dad it's an emergency!"

Ldad: I turned around and walked away with leon "what!?!?"

Leon: "where is violetta??"

Ldad: "serious??" I turn around and was about to walk away when I got pulled back by leon

Leon: "where is she??"

Ldad: "she will come about a few minutes!"

Leon: "really?"

Ldad: "YES! Now please make sure Kim has a great time! Dance with her or something!"

Leon: "why do I have to do that??"

Ldad: "just do it! I know you like her"

Leon: "what!?!? No! Dad what are you trying to do ha?? You're acting weird the whole evening!"

Ldad: "please leon! We talk about this later!" And I walk away

Leon: I searched for my phone to call Vilu but I can't find it! Oh fuck yeah on the bed! Suddenly someone taps me on my shoulder and I hope it's Vilu but when I turn around I see Kim "oh ehh hey"

Kim: "heey! Can have this dance? I love this song!"

Leon: "well actu- sure" I grab her hand and we walk to the dance floor

Kim: *blush* "you really dance good!"

Leon: "thank you! You to! Do you dance often?"

Kim: "yes! I love to dance! You?"

Leon: "Nice, yeah it's great but normal I'm dancing something else than this haha"

Kim: "aah okay...." I lay my head on his shoulder and whisper "you have really beautiful eyes"

Leon: "eh thank you" and we continue dancing #awkward wait where is vilu?? She is still not here!


Vilu: "w-w-what do you mean this isn't my room anymore??"

Vince: "I'm sorry I don't know why but I got the message from mr. Vargas..."

Vilu: what!?! What's wrong with that man!? "B-but where is all my stuff?"

Vince: "ehm I'm sorry I will call mr. Vargas to ask"

Vilu: "alright..." I walk after him downstairs "vince, could you ask to mr. Vargas if he would tell leon that I'm here and everything is alright"

Vince: "of course miss!"

Vilu: vince went to the phone and called mr. Vargas while I was waiting on the couch


Leon: Vilu still isn't here....I just hope she is alright, maybe it's better for me to go home and search for Vilu there

Kim: "hey leon here you are! Would you want to dance with me?? Or go to a place more quiet??"

Leon: "ehh sorry Kim but I need to go"

Kim: "ohw eh okay"

Leon: I left her and went to grab my jacket but got stopped dad

Ldad: "where did you think you're going!!?"

Leon: "I'm going to find Vilu"

Ldad: "alright but why outside?? She just arrived here a few minutes ago!"

Leon: "what!?! Where is she??"

Ldad: "ehm I saw her walking upstairs with some boy"

Leon: what!?!? "Okay ehm thank you" I walk upstairs and look in all the there are allot! And it's a bit weird, I have no idea from who this place is and I'm just looking through all their rooms...I enter a room and see a girl and boy kissing "what!?" they look up and I see it isn't Vilu oooh fuck this is really stupid "oooh ehm I'm sorry!!" I walk very slow out of the room and continue with searching. What the hell is Vilu doing here with a boy!? I walked through the hallways when I heard someone behind me, I turn around with the hope to see Vilu but it's Kim....again

Kim: "heey! Why are you here?"

Leon: "hey ehh well I"

Kim: "you were searching for a room where we can be together? Alone"

Leon: "well actually n-"

Kim: "I found one!"

Leon: she grabbed my arm and pulled me inside


Vince: "alright ehm I have called with mr. Vargas and he explained me where you will stay this night"

Vilu: "alright ehm together with leon?"

Vince: "I don't please follow me"

Vilu: "oh ehh yes of course" I walked after vince and he was guilt all the time...really boring. We entered a big room and I saw my bags standing there "oh ways this room is really nice! Where is the luggage of leon?"

Vince: "ehm I don't know but ehm this isn't your room....your bags just stood here, we only pick them up and walk further"

Vilu: I grabbed my bags and followed vince again. We went through a big door with a really small and old made really annoying noises with every step you took "ehm where are we going?"

Vince: "to your room"

Vilu: oh no...I saw gross stains on the wall everywhere and even some pieces of the wall were tore out...we finally reached a little, old and gross door

Vince: "your room is behind this door!"

Vilu: "what?? Are you serious!?"

Vince: "do I look like I'm making joke???"

Vilu: "eh no sorry, thank you" I opened the door and entered the room, I looked behind me and suddenly vince was gone and the door closed himself with a hard bang...I tried to open it but it was locked "AAAAHW!!" I ran away from the door but bumped in to a on old stuffy mirror, it felt on the ground and the glass just split in thousands pieces! It was really dark and saw almost nothing (mediaaa)....some of those pieces glass landed on my foot and maaan it hurted! I look around and I think I see in the corner a's really gross. I sit on it and look to my feet..."auhw" it's hurting really bad! I grab a scarf out of my bag and put it around me feet. I search for my pyjama and change "it's so cold!" I got in to the bed and lay under the feels so gross! And im cold!! I need a hug from leon now!! Wait why isn't he home now?! It's already late! Why didn't he say goodnight? I grab my phone but I see my battery is only 3%....I text leon quick and after that my phone fell away! I tried to find an power point but the only thing I found was dead spider and two dead rats....I walked with allot of pain in my foot through the room and looked through the window, everything was black and dead...I walked to my bed again and almost fell asleep until the window suddenly slams open and then I feel a really cold wave over my body....and suddenly I hear something crack and before I saw something I feel something really hard and heavy fall on me "AAAAWWH" I burst out in tears and try to get this thing of me but it's to heavy

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