Chapter ten

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vilu: oh no.... that's the only voice i didn't want to hear. I turn my face to the person and yes it is the one who i thought i was "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??!!!"

diego: "calm down! i'm here for you!"

vilu: "GO AWAY!!!!"

diego: "why honey why?"


diego: "so what?? if leon is gone you have me"

vilu: I start crying "GO AWAAAAY!!!!" i see him through my tears walking to me, I try to scream but he puts his hand on my mouth "MMHW HHWMW"

diego: "what?? i can't hear you?? ooh you want a kiss??"

vilu: i start crying harder : MMHHWW HMELWP!!!"

diego: "no one can save you anymore!"

vilu: I see his face coming closer but suddenly someone pulls Diego back and drags him outside. the mysterious boy enters my room again and close the door behind him "who are you??"

??: "I'm Thomas"

vilu: "ehm well thank you for...ehm this"

thomas: "you're welcome! who was that guy?"

vilu: "ehm a uhh a boy i know" yeah sure vilu a boy you know??

thomas: "aha okay, well i will leave you alone know Bye!

vilu: "yeah bye!" I get out of my bed and start with putting al my stuff in my bags again. i'm waiting now for my dad to pick my stuff up.... i want to stay here for leon....

german: i enter vilu her room "hello honey!"

vilu: i walk over to him and give him a hug "hi dad!"

german: "vilu, are you sure you don't want to go home??? you really could use a good night in your own bed!"

vilu: "i know i know.... but i want to stay here for Leon"

german: "alright honey, wich bags can I take home?"

vilu: "ehm these two" and i point at the two bags who are on my bed "this one i will keep with me"

german: "alright.... well i will call you this afternoon and when I can pick you up you have to call me immediately!"

vilu: "yes dad!" and we walk together out of my room and say bye to him, he walks out of the hospital and i went to the doctor.... "hello?"

doctor: "oh hi violetta, i thought you were already left!"

vilu: "ehm yes I am...but I'm here for Leon now..."

doctor: "ahh I see"

vilu: "how is Leon doing now??"

doctor: "ehm walk with me" i walk with her to the waitroom and sit her down "well ehm this morning he had a kind of ehm..... he stopped with everything.... his whole body stopped.... and ehm now he is on many devices who keep him in live....he has to make a improvement soon or he will not make it....."

vilu: "what? no! this isn't true! this can't be true!"

doctor: "I'm sorry violetta.... but ehm i will have to look at some patients..."

vilu: "ehh yeah ofcourse" as he left i put my head in my hand and start crying... this can't be true....Leon you can do this! you are so strong! you saved me from Diego now you have to save yourself! please Leon I Love You.....

??: "hey? you need a shoulder to cry on?"

vilu: I look up "oh hey no I just want to be alone...."

thomas: "you're sure? are you okay?"

vilu: "yeah yeah I'm fine"

thomas: "you don't look like you're okay"

vilu: "well thank you"

Thomas: "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to"

vilu: "yeah its okay"

thomas: "may I sit here next to you?"

vilu: "yeah sure" ahw he looks so cute

thomas: "why are you still here?"

vilu: "well I'm here for some one else now"

thomas: "ahh okay" wow she is so beautiful

vilu: "why are you here actually?"

thomas: "I'm working here as volunteer"

vilu: "oh wauw nice!"

thomas: "why were you crying?" and I put my arm around her

vilu: wow why does he his arm around me?? this is awkward...I don't want him to do this....."ehm bad news"

thomas: "ahw honey" and I hold her closer

vilu: what is he doing?? and why does he calls me honey??? awkward "ehm I have to go to the toilet" and I rush myself away from him. I enter the toilet and splash a bit of cold water in my face.... what do I have to do??? I walk back to thomas "hey"

thomas: "hey honey"

vilu: "eh what?"

thomas: "what do you mean?"

vilu: "why do you call me honey??"

thomas: "well I thought you liked me... and you're hot so I..." and I give her a kiss

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