Chapter four

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Vilu: I ehh I need some fresh air! I check one last time the room of Leon but he still isn't home. I run outside and walk to the park. I suddenly hear the same melodies I dreamed last night I turn around and see Leon. I start singing the song and first he looks surprised and confused but that look changes fast in a big smile and a sparkle in his beautiful deep brown eyes. When the song is over we look each other for a long time in the eyes.

Leon: "how do you know this song?? I thought it didn't exist yet because I dreamed it"

Vilu: "well ehm I dreamed it to0 last night"

Leon: "oh wow, but ehm d-did you read my letter??"

Vilu: "oh yes! It was beautiful, the things you wrote and I understand that you thought that me and Federico were together and it's really cute that you didn't do it because you didn't want to get me in problems an-

Leon: I cut her off and kissed her. It was the best kiss I've ever ever ever had! It was so passionate and pure I could just feel sparks flying around us. After a while we both pull away and I whisper: "I like you" and she start to blush

Vilu: I blush and I want to say that I like him also but I can't, after what happened with Diego I can't "yeah ehm we should go home.... Olga is probably ready with dinner"

Leon: "yeah you're right" we walk back and I only can think of that vilu didn't answer me back. We kissed and it felt so special but I don't know if she feels the same.

Vilu: oh I do like him but I just can't say it. It's tomorrow a year ago that Diego cheated on me and I'm still afraid that I once have to feel that awfull pain again.

*that evening*

Leon: I walk to vilu her room and I hear her crying. I knock on the door

Vilu: I wipe my tears away "go away please!"

Leon: "but it's me"

Vilu: "okay come in"

Leon: I enter her room and she in her eyes she is really sad "hey hey hey what's wrong??" I sit next to her and hold her tight

Vilu: "I ehh can't do this I'm sorry" and I walk out of the room

Leon: "What do you mean???" But she had already left. Does she mean she doesn't like me??

*the next day*

Leon: me and Federico walk to school without vilu. Olge said she was ill. When I enter the studio Fran and cami immediately walk to me and Federico

Cami: "Hey guys, where is vilu??"

Leon: "She is ill"

Fran: "Oh yeah of course...."

Leon: "Why 'of course'?"

Fran: "If she wants it she will explain it to you"  me and cami walk away

Federico: "ehm I go to ludmilla, see you later!"

Leon: "yeah eh yeah alright" I just can't concentrate. What is wrong with vilu?? We kissed and it felt amazing, I said I liked her but she didn't answer.....

*that evening*

Leon: vilu just ignored me like nothing happened. I opened up to her about my feelings. That letter meant so much and now she just ignores me.

Vilu: I can't even look him in the eyes anymore. He opened up his heart to me and we kissed and I felt something but I can't do it... so I have to forget and ignore him

Leon: I walk to vilu her room and knock "vilu we need to talk!"

Vilu: I started crying and locked my door "no, please go away!!"

Leon: "but we"

Vilu: "go away!!!" And cried even harder

Leon: "I can't stand hearing you cry vilu, I want to help you!"

Vilu: "you can't!  Now LEAVE!!!"

Leon: "alright, if you want me to" I walked to my room and fell on my bed

The next day I woke up in my clothes of yesterday and heard Federico in the shower singing.  I looked at my watch, ooh shit I'm late!!

*that day Leon and Frederico went again to school without vilu*Leon couldn't concentrate on school so went home earlier but when he came home no one was there except for vilu*

Leon: I open the door and see vilu sitting on the couch she wants to go upstairs as she sees me "no please wait! We need to talk"

Vilu: "ehm well okay"

Leon: "why do you ignore me??"

Vilu: "because, because I just can't do it!!! I can't look you in the eyes without feeling sorry!! I just can't, I want to but I can't!!!"

Leon: "This isn't something about if you can but It's about what you want"

Vilu: "No it's not, I'm sorry, I can't Leon,  I can't" and I run upstairs

Leon: "DAMMIT!!! and I kick the door

Vilu: "I ran upstairs and fell on my bed.

Leon: I ran after vilu and knocked on her door "vilu I want to talk to you! You don't have to answer I just want to say something to you!!"

Vilu: "Fine!"

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