Chapter fourty-two

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Vilu: I stood there frozen and shocked from his reaction
"w-what?" Is all I could say

Cami: "LEON!"

Leon: fuck! I shouldn't have said it so rude.....I don't even mean it! I DO want a boy night but these few days were also amazing with Vilu "I-I"

Ludmi: "leon! Don't be so mean!"

Broadway: "come one girls don't get into this!"

Vilu: they just continued arguing while I just kept looking at leon who looked at his shoes.... "you know what?" Everyone becomes silence and even leon looks up, tears come up in my eyes "I hope you will enjoy your boys night" I said really disappointed with tears in my eyes.... I walk upstairs and close the door behind me

Ludmi: cami and I walk up to Vilu her room after we gave an insulting and angry look at the boys

Leon: fuck! fuck! fuck! I screwed it wasn't even true, it was not bad at all to be with her all day but I just wanted to talk with some boys......

Broadway: "are you okay??"

Leon: "eh eh n- eh yeah yeah! Come on let's game!"

*at Vilu*

Vilu: STUPID BOYS! STUPID LEON!! STUPID STUPID STUPID!! I fall down on the bed and cry in my pillow when I hear someone enter my room. I look up and see Cami and Ludmi

Cami: "ooh my girl! Are you okay??!" I sit next to her and hug her tight

Vilu: "leon is so stupid!! He just says in front of me that he didn't even like our days together!!"

Ludmi: "don't say that!"

Vilu: "why not?? It's true right??"

Cami: "no! He never said he didn't like the days with you!"

Vilu: "no he didn't say it like that but he made me pretty clear that he's totally done with me after these days!"

Ludmi: "no no no Vilu! Don't talk like that!"

Vilu: "alright we won't talk about it! Let's just enjoy our girls night!" "But I'm right" I mutter under my breath

Cami: "did you say something Vilu??"

Vilu: "huh n-nooo!"

Ludmi: "alright what do you guys think about a MAKE-OVEEER!?"


Vilu: "N-" but before I could say something Ludmi grabbed my arm and pulled me on a chair, she and Cami grabbed make-up and allot of cute pyjamas! Cami started with the makeup while Ludmi was searching for the best sleep outits! after we all had our makeup and a cute pyjama done we did each other's nails and hair ofcourse!

*at leon*

Leon: "guys I will grab some drinks!"

Fede: "beeeeeeer!!"

Broadway: "and fooooood!!!"

Leon: "alright alright!" I said while laughing, I walk to the kitchen and grab everything I can take with me! When I come back I see broadway and fede fighting on the couch???!?! I drop all my stuff on the table "WHAT? are you guys doing??!" They both looked at me in shock

Fede/broadway: "HE stole MY controller!"

Leon: "ooh guys serious?? And how old are we again??"

Fede/broadway: "it's HIS fault!"

Leon: "UUUUHG!" I grab the controller from them and hold it behind my back "so problem solved!" I say while broadway and fede look both shocked and angry to me. "Hey! I took care of the food!" I say and I see their angry faces turned immediately in happy faces again "alright I have to pee and while I'm gone you guys just stay here like normal people and just eat something! Got it??"

Broadway/fede: "alright daddy" we say in baby tone

Leon: "great" I walk upstairs and I actually I don't have to pee but I just want to know how Vilu is doing. I slowly walk to her door and I hear her singing with cami and Ludmi while they're laughing. I try to open the door a bit and when I look inside the room I see Vilu jumping on her bed and using her hairbrush as microphone and I accidentally let out a laugh....I see her face turning immediately to me and first when she sees me she blushes, then I see a smile and after that I see an angry face and then an sad face....huh?? She's still mad?? Of course she is!! You're so stupid!!

Cami: "LEON!!"

Ludmi: "LEAVE!!"

Leon: I look at Vilu and she doesn't know what to say....suddenly she throws a pillow right in my face but her face expression didn't change....she's of course still mad at me! "S-sorry! I-I'm leaving!" I quickly close the door and walk to the boys again


Ludmi: after like four love movies and a lot of tears we finally decided to sleep...well try to sleep. We're all laying in our beds with our cute pyjamas! "Girls?"

Vilu/cami: "yeah??"

Ludmi: "oh you're both awake"

Vilu: "yeah! I never fall asleep quick"

Cami: "ehh Yes you do vilu! You always fall asleep fast!"

Ludmi: "except when you're worrying about something"

Cami: "or someone!"

Ludmi: "exactly"

Vilu: "no no NO girls! I'm fine! Im not worrying!" Oooh who am I kidding?! I miss leon, his warm body next to me, his goodnight kiss, his hugs and his sweet words......but I'm still mad at him!

Ludmi: "sure! You can't fool with us about these things girl!"

*at leon*

Leon: I think fede and broadway are already sleeping, probably tired of fighting with each other the WHOLE time! But I can't sleep.....I miss Vilu, I miss her, I miss my girl, I miss her beautiful smile and her soft kisses of course.....but she's mad at me and I don't blame her! I acted like and asshole tonight! The worst boyfriend ever!

*the next morning*

Cami: I woke up and look around me, I see Ludmi but no Vilu....."ludmi!"

Ludmi: "y-yeah??"

Cami: "where's Vilu??"

Ludmi: "I-I don't know! Let's look downstairs!" When we enter the living room we see fede and broadway sitting on the couch "have you his seen Vilu??"

Fede: "eh no...."

Cami: "oh okay" we were about to walk away

Broadway: "cami"

Cami: "yeah?"

Fede: "why are you girls acting so detached?"

Ludmi: "because of-"

Broadway: "because Vilu and Leon are arguing doesn't mean we have to argue!"

Cami: "hm maybe.....but you boys are still stupid!"

Fede: "yeah we know but secretly you girls like that!"

Ludmi: "don't be too sure!" Fede laughs and comes over to me

Fede: "I know you secretly like it" I give her and soft kiss while broadway does the same with cami "but you guys were saying that you can't find Vilu?"

Cami: "yeah she wasn't in her bed when we woke up....maybe she's in the park to clear her head or something but she left her phone here so I don't know it anymore..."

Broadway: "hm that's weird, normally she takes her phone with her"

Ludmi: "yeah I'm afraid she's doing something stupid because of the fight she had with leon....where is Leon by the way?!"

Fede: "eh we don't know actually....he wasn't in his bed, but I think he's walking in the park or something"

Ludmi: "maybe we should go search for them because I'm really worried about Vilu!"

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