Chapter fourteen

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Pablo: "but I have also some other news! please welcome Thomas!!"

vilu: "oh noo" I feel Leon pull me closer to him

leon: I whisper "Just ignore him! he won't break us"

vilu: he's right I put my arms around him and we hug "you're right"

Pablo: "ehm vilu!"

vilu: "yeah?"

pablo: "do you want to show Thomas the studio?"

vilu: "ehm well I prefer actually..."

leon: I whisper "it's alright, don't let him win"

vilu: "ehem yes why not" I walk to thomas

thomas: "hey"

vilu: "hi, okay ehm walk with me" I show him the whole studio and it's really awkward "okay and this is your locker"

thomas: "thank you sexy" and I push her to the locker

vilu: auw! "let me go!" I try to push him off

thomas: "but i want to"

Leon: "LET HER GO!" I walk to them and push Thomas off vilu

thomas: "ahw the prince himself" and I walk away

leon: "are you okay?"

vilu: "yeah, I'm alright. thank you!" and I kiss him


thomas: I'm looking for diego and evetually I find him in gregorio's class "hey, you're Diego right?"

Diego: "yeah why?"

thomas: "I think we could help each other allot!"

diego: "what do you mean?"

thomas: "hm I dont like Vilu and Leon being together and I heard stories you don't like that couple either"

diego: "aha! yeah I think we can be good friends"

thomas: "nicee" and we gave each other a hand

fran: cami and I walk through the studio and wee see Diego and Thomas shaking hands

cami: "look who got a new friend"

fran: "yeah I don't like it at all!"

cami: "me neither..... oh fran! we have to hurry!"

fran: "why??"

cami: "we would be at vilu's place 5 minutes ago!"

fran: "OMG you're right!"

cami: we rushed to vilu her place and knocked on the door

Leon: I open the door "oh hey girls come in"

fran: "thank you" we enter the house

Leon: "Loovee?? fran and cami are here!"

vilu: "I'm coming I'm coming!" I run downstairt "heey"

Leon: "I go to the park love, see you later" and I gave her an kiss on the cheek

vilu: I pull the girls with me upstairs "bye handsome"

cami: "ahhw vilu! you and Leon are so cute!"

fran: "yeah! you guys are just a perfect couple!"

vilu: "thank you girls! I really love him....he's perfecft"

cami//fran: "AAAHWWW"

fran: "oh oh oh vilu! you never guess who became friends today!"

vilu: "who??"

cami: "diego and thomas! hahaha"

fran: "He doesn't Diego yet"

vilu: "NO NO NO!!"

cami: "caml down! what's wrong??"

vilu: "the tho people who hate Leon and me just became friends!"

fran: "wait wait wait! why does Thomas hate you?"

vilu: "ehem well it's a really long story"

cami: "oh vilu! you know you can tell us everything"

vilu: "alright, ehm well when Leon was in the hospital Thomas kissed me and I pushed him away and slapped him. he bacem mad and took revenge by trying to make problems between me and Leon. after we broke up he continued with making problems..... but Leon and I wanted to talk to each other and we found out there was something wrong. we came together again but Thomas still wants revenge and Diego has absolutely no problem with that!"

cami: "ahw my little girl!" and I hug her

fran: "hey! you and Leon are stong enough to survive that! you two love each other and that is everything you two need!"

cami: "yeah! after what Thomas did to you two you came together again! you are inseparable"

vilu: "thank you guys!"


leon: I'm walking thourgh the park and I'm singing a little bit. I have the feeling someone is following me but if I turn around I see no one....afther a while I hear the same sound again. I stop with singing and turn around "HEY?" suddenly I feel something really hard burst to my head. I hear two voices but I can't recognize them...and then everything becomes black....

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