Chapter thirty-three

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Vilu: I was about to leave the store when I saw a huge group of people standing around something...I walked to them and tried to see what they are watching at, I push some people a bit to the side and see an journalist: "and how is it to be back again??" I look to who he's talking to "Leon?!" He heard me and turned around

Leon: "it's great but I have to go!" I walk really quick to Vilu and took her with me to my motorbike "ehh it's time to go home my love" I gave her a helmet and drove home really fast

Vilu: what was that?? Why is some one interviewing leon?? And now he wants to leave like this and damn! He's driving really fast and hold him really really really tight. When we were home again he finally stopped and I took my helmet off "are you crazy?!"

Leon: "I have to talk to my dad!"

Vilu: I just stood there and he left me, he almost just ran away me?? I also enter the house and don't even bother running after leon.....he's so uhg! I walk upstairs into our room and look outside through the windows and see the pool with no one in it and suddenly got an idea! I walk to my suitcase and grab a cute bikini, I change and grab a towel with sunblock. I walk to the garden, put my towel on a bed and lay on it without even thinking about leon! He can come to me if he feels to and I don't care! I close my eyes and enjoy the sunshine but got interrupted by two voices shouting to each other? I look up and see leon and his dad who are shouting really angry to each other but suddenly Leon stops when he sees me

Leon: "BUT WE" wow she's beautiful........

Ldad: "Leon! We're in a conversation"

Leon: "ehh yeah sorry" we walk through to the office

Vilu: he just ignores me!!! again!! That stupid!!

Lmom: "Vilu honey! We will go to a dinner this afternoon and we want leon and you to come with us"

Vilu: "sure! I would love to"

Lmom: "great! We will leave about two hours, I'm gonna make myself ready now"

Vilu: "alright thank you" I graby stuff and walk upstairs to our room and let all my stuff fall on the floor, I grab clean underwear and my toilet products. I walk to bathroom and take a shower. After I'm done I put on my underwear and hear leon entering the room uhg...all my clothes are in the room, I grab a towel and walk out of our bathroom to my clothes and is also could have walked here naked because leon doesn't even gives me one second attention! I put on my make up and leon just leaves without talking to me...."bye" I say but he's already left. I curl my hair and try something with it. I search for my perfect dress who I bought this morning and put him on {mediaaa} I look in the mirror and suddenly hear a male's voice

??: "you look really really stunning my beautiful" and believe me she really is

Vilu: I turn around and see leon standing there and believe me he looks hotter than ever! He's just wearing a suit and damn he's hot! [mediaaa] Concentrate Vilu you're mad at him! "Thank you" I say with an not interest voice. I grab my heels from the floor and walk out of the room

Leon: yeah she's definitely mad! And I don't blame her! I walk after her downstairs, she goes into the garden with her heels in her hand. Where is she going?? I follow her and she walks to the trees behind our garden, she sits down on the swing I built when I was young with my best friend. I sit next to her "I'm sorry vilu"

Vilu: "for what?"

Leon: "well f" but she already cut me off

Vilu: "for driving like a crazy idiot! Not telling me why you had an interview! For arguing with your father or maybe for ignoring me the fucking whole time!!! I'm here for you so I can meet your parents and to see where you grew up but instead of that you just ignore me! You left me alone the moment we arrived here again! I went to the pool by myself and even when you saw me you didn't say anything!" I take a deep breath to calm down "why are you ignoring me leon?? What's happening??"

Leon: I look down and just don't have the courage to tell her.....

Vilu: "fine, we leave about 5 minutes with your parents to the dinner!" I stand up and walk away, fix my makeup and put on my heels. I hear vince knocking on the door

Vince: "miss, you vehicle is ready to leave"

Vilu: huh haha okay "okay thank you" I walk downstairs and see the parents of leon looking at me with a smile form ear to ear and I also see leon who just stares ate and damn he's so hot in a suit! He walks up to me and reaches out his arm, I grab his hand and we walk outside "wow" Leon looks at me but again he says nothing! I see like 6 cars and Leon's parents get in the second one and leon takes me to the fourth one "what is happening??"

Leon: I take her with me in the car and I know I will have to tell her know but I just don't know how.....

Vilu: "leon! What is happening?? Talk to me leon!!"

Leon: well I think it's time to tell her "Vilu I ehh........there are a lot of people who know my family...and some of them hate us and the others love us...ehm it's hard to explain"

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