Chapter twenty-one

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Leon: I open my eyes and see Cami and Fran. "wow hey"

Cami: "hey, we got something for you"

Leon: I hope it's Vilu but I see Cami grabs a paper out of her bag "is it from Vilu?"

Fran: "ehm no it's one from Diego and Thomas for Vilu....maybe you should read it, We will get some coffee you want some to?"

Leon: "yes please" I open the paper and start to read;
hello my honey,
you saw what happened to your little boy yesterday and I think you don't want that to happen again right? Because it will only get more worse... If you want him to survive this year you better break up with him. You are the one who will put him in danger if you won't break you better keep away from him....and to make totally sure he won't get hurt by us you have to do averything what we say..
love you honey xx

What? I feel anger coming up in my whole body! those stupid mother fucker! Ialo can't believe why Vilu actullay really listened to hem...we talked about it the night before and said we would stay together what ever happened.... I see fran and cami coming back to me

cami: "are you alirght?"

Leon: "you two have read this to?"

fran: "yeah"

cami: "are you coming with us to vilu?"

Leon: "no, it's better to leave her I'm gone she doesn't have to listen to Diego anymore...Please give this to her" I gave the letter I wrote yesterday, now I know what happened I want Vilu to read it

cami: "we will"

Leon: "take care of her! she really loves you guys"

fran: "yes afcourse! and you're are really sweet...but ehm so you never cheated on her?"

Leon: "no, I wouldn't dare. but ehm I have to go now....My flight leaves about and hour and I have to check in"

cami: "yeah alright! but first turn around...there is someone for you"

Leon: I turn around and see fede and the boys "HEY!"

fede: "hey! you didn't think we would let you go without a goodbye"

Leon: "haha I'm gonna miss you guys"

fede: "I'm gonna miss you to brother" and we bro hugged

Leon: "bye guys!" and I walk away to my gate

fede: we stayed for an hour at the airport and waved to the plane of Leon

*time skip*

cami: me, fran and fede are now in the car to Vilu her home. when we enter her house it's very still...everyone is still sleeping. me and fran go upstairs to Vilu and wake her up

Vilu: I wake up and see Cami and Fran "huh hey? what are you doing here?"

fran:"we need to talk!"

vilu: "where are you talking about?"

cami: "Leon left to mexico this morning"

vilu: "WHAT?!?!"

fran: "yeah...he couldn't stay here any longer..."

vilu: maybe it's saver for him to leave

cami:"vilu, we know Diego and thomas made you do anything to save Leon"

vilu : "huh what? how?"

fran: "we found that paper..."

cami: "yeah ehm we went this morning to the airport to say goodbye to Leon and we showed him the paper...we asked him if he wanted to stay here but he wouldn't because now you don't have to listen to Diego and Thomas anymore and he wanted to leave you alone like you told him to"

vilu: "oh nooo" tears are coming up

fran: "he gave us a letter and we had tp give it to you so..." and I gave her the letter

vilu: "is he really left?"

cami: "yeah...I'm sorry Vilu"

vilu: "it isn't your's mine"

fran: "no! you only wanted to protect Leon...It's Diego and Thomas their fault"

cami: "yeah but we will leave you alon so you can read the letter"

vilu: "ehm yeah thank you" they left and I opened the letter;
dear Vilu,
I wanted to tell you that I'm now already left to Mexico. I left because I can't see you with Diego. It hurts me to much and it even hurt me more to see you're not happy...why are you with him?? He doesn't makes you happy. He doesn't deserve you...I don't deserve you (tears are coming up) I haven't fight for you...I had to fight for you immeditely from the moment you told you were with Diego...I had punch him, Kick him, get him away from you. but I didn't because I thought you wanted me to leave you alone. this morning Cami and Fran gave me that paper and I finally understand why you did it...well actually I don't understand because the night before we told each other to stay together, what ever happened, that nothing could seperate us. but now I''m left and you can finally break up with don't have to listen to them anymore.
I hope you Diego and Thomas will leave you alone...I told Fran and Cami to take care of have to promise me one thing! If Diego or Thomas ever again hurt, touch, threatens you! you have to talk about it with Cami and Fran so they can help you...I'm not here anymore...I'm left so you can live your own life without Diego and Thomas. I didn't leave because I don't love you, or I don't care about you. because I DO love you, very very much and I will never forget you. your the first girl I fall in love with and the last one. I hope everything will be alright and that you will be happy again...I love you xx leon

tears are rolling over my face and I see Fran entering my room. I let the letter fall and let myself fall in the arms of fran "I've been so stupid!"

fran: I look her in the eyes and wipe her tears away "vilu don't say that!"

vilu: "but I am! I let Leon just leave! Diego and Thomas just won from me! I lost Leon fran! I lost the person I love the most!"

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