Chapter twenty-five

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leon: wow she looks beautiful.....I just can't stop looking at her. I already knew she was the most beautiful girl I ever had seen but tonight wow....I feel those butterflies in my stomach again and we're not even kissing

vilu: "huh what's wrong?"

leon: "ehh I eh well eh" I just couldn't get the words

vilu: ahw he's so cute! I hear the other girls laughing behind me "what?"

Ludmi: I whisper to vilu "I told you leon would like this dress"

Vilu: leon walked up to me and I took a step forward. He puts his hands on my waist and pulls me close

Leon: I whisper in her ear "you look really beautiful my love"

Vilu: I blushed "thank you" I gave him a kiss but got pulled away by Ludmi

Ludmi: "sorry leon tonight she's ours!" I pull vilu with me to the door

Vilu: "haha I try to hold me tight to leon but Ludmi was to fast "byeeee!!! Love you"

Leon: "love you to! But the girls were already left

Maxi: "wow she's really beautiful!"

Leon: "yeah she is, and she's mine!"

maxi: "haha I know I know, I have naty"

Leon: "the dress was perfect! she was sexy but not slutty you know"

fede: "exactly and Ludmi looked also so hot...."

broadway: "and cami ♡"

andreas: "uhgg why do you boys have a girlfriend and I'm lonely???"

leon: "haha you will also get a girl, someday....I hope"

fede: "ah if I could do a wish right now it would be to be with the girls"

leon: "me to! but they have girl night so we better could leave them alone"

fede: "yeah but I've an idea!"

Leon: "tell me!"


vilu: we took a cab and ride to the city

fran: "haha the look of Leon was just perfect! he just couldn't say anything! he just stuttered!"

cami: "haha yeah it was so sweet!"

ludmi: "what did he say to you when he pulled you to him?"

vilu: I blush "that I looked beautiful!"

cami: "we told you!" the car stopped and we got out, we walked to the club and went to a private corner and ordered shots

vilu: we took allot shots and fran felt them right away...she acted kind of weird but ludmi cami and I felt nothing..."fran are you alright?"

fran: "YEAH!! I have the best time of my life!"

cami: "ehh alright...shall we dance?"

ludmi: "YES!" we walked to the dance floor and fran started dancing really weird...she went to some boys "oh no...not again!"

cami: "uhg I will go!" I went to Fran and tried to get her away from the boys...

vilu: ludmi and I continued dancing and there was a group of boys who were looking at us. "haha look those boys"

ludmi: "haha yeah I saw them to but hey they aren't ugly"

vilu: "that's absolutely true haha" we were still dancing and after some minutes two boys walked up to us

boy: "hey girls can we buy you a drink?"

ludmi: "no thank you we're good"

other boy: "alright, you want to dance?"

ludmi: "yeah!" we were all four dancing but the boys split us up really fast. I was now dancing with boy 1 and vilu with boy 2 haha I have know idea what their names are

vilu: first it was alright but after some minutes he grabbed me at my waist and pulled me close, he tried to kiss me and as reaction I slapped him and turned around. I grabbed ludmi her arm and took her with me to the toilets

ludmi: "wow wow wow what happened?"

vilu: "he tried to kiss me!"

ludmi: "huh what? you said no right?"

vilu: "I slapped him before he even touched my lips!"

ludmi: "good girl!"

vilu: "hm where is cami?

ludmi: "no idea, let's go back to the dance floor and look for cami"

vilu: "alright" we went back and after an hour we found cami "hey cami! where is fran?"

cami: "ooh here you are! eh I took her home with a cab....she was really drunk"

ludmi: "aah good work!"

vilu: "haha shall we dance? with the three of us know haha??"

cami: "great idea!" we danced for like an hour and drunk something. We took a cab and went to vilu her house

vilu: I open the door and see no one "huh where are the boys?"

ludmi: "I don't know but look! They have left beds for us here!"

cami: "yes! now we don't need to do that by ourselves"

vilu: "haha alright ehm I will say good night to Leon and you two can make you ready for the night!" I walked up the stairs but fell back to the ground "whoops!" I stand up and try another time and almost fall again but this time forwards so I crawl upstairs

ludmi/cami: "hahahaha vilu!"

vilu: "I crawl to Leon his room and opened his door. I went to his bed but I didn't see Leon "huh? maybe he's with the boys somewhere else" I walk downstairs again and see ludmi and cami in their pyjama's "alright ehm Leon is left....I think with the boys but eh yeah I will get my pyjama!" I crawl upstairs again and change

*timeskip*the girls watched a horror movie and were about to sleep (well you know the first try to sleep but ends in talking and laughing about everything) but suddenly........

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