Chapter twelve

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*vilu has tried to talk to Leon for 1000 times but he doesn't let her. he's still in the hospital because he isn't totally better. there are now 2 weeks went by and vilu has finally got a copy of the security cams in the hospital*

vilu: I open my laptop and see I have an message. I open it and see it has a video in it. I watch the video and see me and Thomas talking. YEES!! you see that thomas kisses me and i slap him! I hear someone knocking on my door "who is there?"

??: "It's Olga! I have something for you!"

vilu: i close my laptop "come in!"

olga: "hey honey, i have a letter for you. it came with the post" I gave her the letter

vilu: "thank you olga" olga left and i opened the letter;
vilu, I wanted to tell you that you don't have to try anymore.... don't try to talk to me or tell me any more lies. you were the first girl I loved and the last one.... I'm going to Mexico again. I can't stay here any longer. I hope you can move on and I guess you already did seen the fact you also moved on when I was in coma for a few days. Bye Leon
I can't belive he wrote this.... is he really going to Mexico again? he would never say this to me. If he really loved me he wanted to hear my side of the story and wouldn't tell me this. he never loved me. I started to write a letter;
dear hurts me to hear you talking like this. I wanted to tell you that he kissed me and I slapped him immediately. he became mad on me and told you this as a kind of revenge i think. I want also tell you that I never will move on because you're the first boy i love love love love. i never felt that before for a boy and I never will. I love you forever x Vilu
I looked at the letter and lay it on my laptop."forget it vilu it doesn't matter anymore, you already lost him"

*Leon that same day*

nurse: *KNOCK KNOCK*

leon: "come in"

nurse: "i have a letter for you" and i gave him the letter

leon: i open the letter and see it's from violetta. Yes...i have so much remorse of sending her away like that and don't listen to her. I start to read the letter.
Leon, i want to tell you that i hate you! the way you send me out of your room was awful! i felt miserable when you send me away but now I'm happy again. I'm now together with Thomas and I want to ask you to ignore me! don't ever talk to me and just leave me alone"
what? this can't be true....vilu would never write this to me. I start to cry, this just hurt me so much. I love her but she just hates me....I start to write a letter;
dear vilu, it hurts me that you hate me because I still love you.... I love you from the moment i saw you and i will love you forever. I ehem I hope you will be happy in the future... even if it is with Thomas.... as long as you are happy.... I love you vilu, i really do xx Leon
I look at the letter and lay it on the letter of vilu on my night table and start packing my bags because I can go home tomorrow. I'm a little afraid because I still live in the house of vilu.....

*that afternoon*

vilu: I still can't believe Leon wrote that...but I wont visit him because he asked me to leave him alone. He will leave to Mexico and I will maybe never see him again....

leon: I can't believe vilu actually wrote this to me... I read the letter over and over and can't stop myself from crying. normally I never cry but vilu means so much for me I can't help myself. maybe it's better to go to Mexico again... I call my mom and everything is ready for my departure. I will leave tonight.

vilu: I read the letter from Leon again and suddenly I see the name Leon and see it's written in a different way than normal. I search for the other etter from leon i had at the begin of our relationship and see the handwriting is totally different "WHAT??!" I rush myself to the hospital and run to Leon's room. I open the door but Leon is gone.....

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