Chapter five

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Leon: "I wrote you a letter, I opened up my heart for you I never have been so open to someone. I never talk about my feelings and never loved someone before.... I couldn't care about feelings or love and girls didn't mean anything to me until I met you. you are different you with that beautiful little sparkle in your eyes, your big smile where I smelt for. I care about you! Before I met you I was a player and egocentric, but now I know how it feels to love someone, to care about someone I want to change.

I wrote you a letter and opened up my heart for you! I told you everything about me and my feelings! We dreamed the same song and we even kissed!! I told you I LOVE YOU but you didn't answer and after that you just ignored me??! After I opened up my heart?? You just ignored me?!?! You knew how much it meant for me to be so open!!! But you didn't fucking care!!!"

Vilu: I saw him getting tears in his eyes and he walked away out of my room but I ran after him and pulled him back at his left arm so he turned around as reaction and our faces were so close, I saw tears over his face and I started to cry by myself also. I put my hands on his cheeks and kissed him... He put his hands on my waist and we kissed for like 10 minutes but I didn't want it to stop because it felt amazing but we both pulled away because we were out of breath "I love you to" and I still have my hands on his cheeks and his are still on my waist

Leon: wow did she just said she loved me to?? wow and this kiss felt so amazing she is just amazing

Vilu: "but I have to tell you something about why I became so like this"

Leon: "you mean so amazing? "

Vilu: "haha no why I am so closed"

Leon: "yeah that's a good idea" we walked to her room and sat on the bed

Vilu: "hm well... more than a year ago is started dating Diego"

Leon: "you mean that Diego from the studio who everyone ignores??"

Vilu: "yes that one, but okay we started dating and I fell in love....." I got tears in my eyes

Leon: I see tears coming up so I hold her tight

Vilu: "he said he did also love me and we had a great time together. We were unbreakable I thought. He was my first boyfriend and the first boy I've ever kissed. It was very special for me but clearly not for him. ... because yesterday a year ago I was searching for him and found him in the park..... kissing an other girl and telling her" I start crying and talking really fast "telling her how much he loved her and how special she was for him...."

Leon: I hold her even more tight than I already did. "Wow that's terrible"

Vilu: "yeah but it isn't even everything. I walked up to him and saying what this had to mean and than the other girl was asking who I was and I asked who she was and then he answered to her in front of me that I was nothing....I was a person from school who loved him from when they were little kids and who is stalking him already for 3 years. After he said that I ran away with tears in my eyes..... The next day I stayed in bed the whole day but Diego came for me in the afternoon. When he entered he was mad and said if I would ever tell about what real happened he would come for me.... I became angry and said that I wouldn't go lie for him after what he did. Then he punched me and said tat I would tell everybody that I cheated on him and that it's over now. I said that I wouldn't gonna say that because it was a disgusting lie but he started to punch me even harder and harder.... then he left my room and the next day at school everyone was looking at me because I had a blue eye and a big lip. I told all my real friends what really happened and they luckily believed me.... so now everyone hates him" I start to cry and hold Leon close to me

Leon: "Vilu, that is awful! If I ever see him again I will punch him till he bleeds!"

Vilu: "please dont! That will make it only worser! But what I try to say with this story is that since he broke my heart into 1000 pieces I never felt in love again.... I lost my trust in boys and became really closed and when you told me you loved me I wanted to say I love you to but I couldn't it would've hurt to much. I thought it was better to let you go because I was scared to fall in love again but I think it's already happening, I can't deny anymore..... and I trust you, from the first time I saw you. I like you Leon!"

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