"Do you help them with planning their tour?" I asked as I fully sat up. "I mean I know you write their songs, but do you help them with anything else?"

Harry shrugged as he buttoned the last of his shirt, "Depends really. Sometimes I'll have them schedule around other celebrities shows that I deal with if it'll be beneficial to me."

"I thought you only wrote for Bloodlines." I couldn't help the confusion in my voice.

"They're the only ones I write for." Harry confirmed. "But I do dealings— drugs and such, with more than just Luke. My family doesn't sell to a lot of major celebrities, majority of them are greedy fucks and will rat you out the second they don't like your stipulations. But some of them have been working with us since before they even had a name for themselves so I deal with them." Harry looked up to me. "Any of that make sense?"

"Yeah..." I said softly as I watched him push his hair back off of his forehead. "When do you have to starting meeting with the guys to work on their music?"

"Pretty soon actually. Luke text me while I was in the shower and said they're wanting to plan a tour in America in early 2022. So that means here pretty soon I'm going to be at the studio working with them a lot." Harry explained as he grabbed his gun off of the nightstand and tucked it into the waistband of his jeans. "But if you ever want to come to the studio with me, you're welcome to come."

"Really?" My eyes widened. "You'd let me come?"

"If you wanted to, yeah 'course I would." Harry nodded as he walked towards me again. "Would you wanna come some time?"

"Yeah," I nodded eagerly, "I'd love to go."

"Alright." Harry gave me a quick smile before he ducked his head down, hand resting on my cheek to give me a kiss. "I'll be back in a few hours."

"Be safe." I gave a weak smile, my heart starting to hurt at the idea of him being in danger.

I know that this has been a part of his life since he was born, but now that I know the extent of how dangerous it is I can't help but feel fear every time he has to leave to do something involved with his work.

"Always am, baby." He smiled before pressing a kiss to the top of my head and heading towards the door.

Without another word he left the room, the sound of the door clicking behind him to signal he was gone.

Niall got our training over with this morning before going into the shooting range so I didn't have anything to do while Harry was gone.

I also will admit, watching them in the shooting range today was both intimidating and... Well, hot.

Still, the thought of one day actually being good enough to be able to hit a target properly is pretty empowering. I'm a long way from being that good, but with Niall and Harrys training I'm sure the day will probably come a lot sooner than I think.

Sighing to myself I pushed myself off of the bed and started to head towards the bathroom door. I was starting to get a bit hungry but I needed to take a shower before I went downstairs to get food. I feel gross since I didn't get the chance to shower after working out. Harry had told me that he needed to leave as we were walking up the stairs, so of course I let him take a shower first.

Quickly I took a hot shower and changed into a black pair of spandex and a plain white shirt before I headed down stairs to see what was in the kitchen that didn't require me to actually cook it.

I skipped my way down the steps, Jake's tags jingling behind me as I reached the bottom floor of the house. Entering the hall to the kitchen I could hear a few voices, quickly recognizing them as Thalia and Jade.

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