Epilogue [Edited]

Start from the beginning

"I am so sorry Y/N. I know nothing can annul the injustice my father did but I'll still hope that you can forgive us someday-"

"You don't have to be sorry. It's not your fault" saying so she turned towards Jungkook with a longing glance and the latter immediately understood what the girl wanted. He pushed her chair all the way around the table until she was face to face with the sobbing doctor.

She sent his way a soft but sad smile before taking his hands in her own. The gesture caught Daejung by surprise but nonetheless he kept his gaze straight on her.

"Our stories are not very different Daejung, actually it ain't different at all. To be honest, my appa did some bad stuffs too but I still love him with my whole heart and I don't intend to stop anytime soon. Sang Ook was the one who manipulated my father into doing things that weren't right and apparently he did the same to your dad as well. I am not saying that our fathers were innocent but whatever it is, they aren't here anymore. So what's the point of judging them anyways? No matter what they did, they were still good fathers and now that they are gone, can't we just let the bad memories go and only keep the precious ones with us. I mean, they have already paid the price with their lives, how much more might they need to do?

Instead of calling up on their faults how about we just let them rest in peace and in the meantime, we put our heads together to penalize the one who is at most fault here"

Like a ray of sunshine did a smile appear on Daejung's face. Now that he knew the girl had forgiven him and was on the same page as he was, he felt his guilt slowly wither away. The two years long turmoil finally came to an end and Daejung grasped tightly the bony fingers that were already entwined with his before looking up to grin at Y/N first and then at Jungkook with a vitalized assurance.

Heaving a deep sigh that was most probably of relief he parted his lips for he had more to say, more to unravel in front of the young couple.

"Thank you Y/N. You know I never believed in destiny before. But a week ago when I was appointed to your case, I knew I had gotten a second chance to mend what my father had ruined. At first I didn't recognize the girl lying on the gurney but then I saw your bond papers and memories came flooding back. There, under the legal guardian's column was Yoongi's name and a signature that I had so vividly remembered since days ago. Everything felt to me like a divine intervention and I hesitated none before indulging myself in making things right.

And then today, when you finally opened your eyes and woke up from your coma, I felt this strong sense of accomplishment flush through my veins as if I had done something extraordinary. The peace I had lost the day Myung Dae died, I finally got it back when I successfully saved his daughter, thank you"

Tears were shed and smiles were exchanged. The two victims were happy to have found each other for now they knew someone who shared their pain and dealt the same misfortune. For them it was like finding a friend with similar interests, well, not really but you get the point.

And as far as Jungkook was concerned, he felt immense pride in witnessing the growth his beloved Y/N had gone through. The girl who used to stay reserved and blamed her fate for her every misery was now helping another to look past their painful memories. The Y/N who used to stay locked up in her room and cry about her life was now telling someone else to be optimistic and look for what was to come. If this isn't maturity then what is?

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