Chapter 5 - *Invisible*

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  • Dedicated to the HOPELESS ROMANTICS! :)

Marion finally reached his home, outside their house he saw his father's taxi cab parked outside. "He's finally home." he muttered to himself. He went inside their house and saw his Dad and Grandpa Elliot busy watching TV. Woofer greeted him with a bark.

"How's school and work at the Pizzeria?" Grandpa Elliot asked him. 

"The usual, tiring.. there's a lot of customers today.." Marion answered and trying to ignore his Dad, besides he's not in the mood to talk to him right now.

"Okay, go check at your Mom, she's at the kitchen cooking." He's grandpa said.

"Are you hungry? This pasta will be ready in 5 minutes! Go get your plate."  Lucille told Marion.

"Kinda.. So he's home huh? ..Dad." Marion said.

"Yes, he is! He's one hour earlier before you arrived. I guess he's mind is clear now and not under the influence of alcohol. He even gave me money to buy groceries." Lucille said as she checks on the pasta if the noodle is already firm.

"That's good, I'm just going to change my clothes, I'll be right back.." 

"Okay, don't forget to call your sister for dinner."

Marion is about to go to his bedroom upstairs when his Dad get his attention.

"Young man, you can't just ignore me, I know you can see me." Orson said looking sternly at Marion.

"Yes, I can see that you're already home Dad and at your normal state.. I just don't know when this is gonna last.. Welcome home!" Marion turned his back and went straight to his room.

"Marion, is that how you supposed to answer back? Don't you forget that I am still your father! Get back here!" Orson shouted back.

"Orson, just understand him, maybe he just had a rough day at school and at work.. raising an argument won't do anything good just calm down and let it pass." Elliot said, trying to calm down Orson.

There was a knock at the door, while Marion is putting on his shirt.

"Come on in.."

"Marion, can I borrow your laptop for tonight? I just have to Google something for my homework." Dixie asked Marion.

"Sure you can sis.. go get it, it's right there on my desk." 

"Thanks! Have you seen Dad?" asked Dixie.

"Yeah, I just hate seeing him now, after not coming home for a day and acting like there's no problem, I mean right now he's good the next time he's plain evil." 

"Did you try talking to him?"

"No, I just can't talk to him right now. There's so many things running on my head."

"Okay, just keep it cool Marion.. You know there's nothing we can do about it, were one family and he's our Daddy. Let's fix this." Dixie told his brother with a bit of smile into her lips.

"We'll see sis.. I'll just ignore him for now, I'm tired of discussion. C'mon let's have dinner downstairs, Mom cooked our favorite pasta!"

The two of us went straight to the dining table and took our seats together with Grandpa Elliot, Dad, and Mom. It was like were a big happy family.

"I think this is a good chance to talk." Orson said.

"Orson, not now.." Lucille replied, passing the pasta to Dixie.

"Dixie.. How's school?" Orson asked.

"I got lot of school stuff lately, but I'm doing okay Daddy." Dixie answered as she stick her fork into her pasta.

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