Chapter 40 The Script

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Scene One Act One Raika's Debut.

She prepared herself for this when she goes through that door, she was escorted by half naked men there upper body is covered in a blanket of tattoo, tattoo that you can only see on yakusa members, she may be wearing a white long sleeve shirt and a tight mini skirt that can see the carter belt of the lingerie she's wearing with a thigh high stocking but it felt like she's naked infront of these men, but she remains strong for the hope and belief that any moment now Mina is going to appear and save her but she may prepared her heart for this but no matter how prepared she may be, she was not prepared on what he saw when she entered the set.

What she saw shattered her heart and her hopes of getting out of there safely,  she saw Mina barely breathing badly bruised and beaten and literally  crucified in an S and M cross.

"Mina?! NO!!!" she screams in distraught as she fall down her knees infront of him

"My men saw him lurking, so they beat the shit out of him and crucify him to taught him a valuable lesson." Ryoma smirked in glee"

Raika's thoughts are in shambles for seeing Mina in that state she have realized something she should have a long time ago, the man that's always been there to help her and on why she's relaying on him so much and putting all his faith on him becomes so clear and her only regret is why she didn't realized it sooner... 

"L-Let him go, please, I'll do anything just let him go..." she begged Ryoma pleading for Mina's release.

But something awakened from deep inside Ryoma looking at Raika's pathetic state so instead of  granting her this one wish, he wiped out his dick.

"Suck it, and judging on your performance i might reconsider."

Raika's job and the club she's working in the vixious vixen is an hostess club bar some might misunderstood what kind of work you do in an hostess club but the club and the workers there never  succumb to prostitution unlike the common misconception from people who might not understand what a hostess club is.

Raika in all sense of the word is a virgin through and through and the first penis she saw is from the man who kidnapped her father and tortured the man she loved.

"Well, it ain't gonna suck it self..." he uttered as he sat down in one of the sofa's

Ryoma's penises throb back and forth as if was ordering Raika to move closer. 

"Don't stand up from there crawl on all your fours and slowly come to me." Ryoma order as the Camera moved closer to Raika's face her make up is ruined maskara running through her cheeks she was reluctant at first but look at Mina's state and thought she need to finish this quick so Mina can get the medical attention he needed.

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