Chapter 38: Stitching Wounds

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Switching back to first person pov because I find it easier to be descriptive about Meredith's thoughts. Enjoy!

"Damnit Meredith, what did you do?" Cristina exclaimed while standing quickly and helping me sit on the bed, removing the cloth from the laceration.

"I fell out of bed, hit my head on the table. Sometimes I forget my right leg is a bitch." I winced as Cristina examined it.

"You're going to need at least five stitches." Cristina sighed while moving my head to the side, watching as blood still flowed from the wound.

"I think there's a suture kit in the master bedroom bathroom," I spoke softly while closing my eyes to alleviate the dizziness flying around me.

"Oh, hell no. I'm not stitching up your face without numbing medications and stuff." Cristina shook her head. "I'm taking you to the hospital," Cristina spoke while placing her arms under mine to lift me.

"No! Everyone's gonna freak out for no reason. I can't go." I pleaded. She gave me a knowing look while standing back. I had to close my eyes once again as the outburst made my head spin. "Please, Cristina."

"No. I'm overruling you. I'm not going to hurt you just so you avoid whatever embarrassment you fear will come. Plus you've lost a lot of blood and you might need a transfusion."

"Cristina." I groaned quietly.

"Come on, get up." She spoke while helping me rise to my feet. I stumbled into her grasp as I felt my vision duck slightly.

She practically carried me down the stairs, I leaned on her as she grunted down each step. She didn't even bother to grab the wheelchair before hustling out of the house.

I leaned against the car, letting myself in while still holding my pressure on the wound.

"I hate you, Cristina." I laughed quietly as she started the car.

"I love you too, Meredith." She smiled while pulling out of the driveway.

"Baileys gonna freak out and their all gonna think my cancer brain made me fall. I'm blaming you for every test they put me through." I grinned while rolling my eyes.

I felt lightheaded but better in the seated position.

"Don't get blood on my car and I will take any blame you throw." She replied.


"You've got to be kidding me." Bailey shook her head as I grinned at her from the wheelchair I was sitting on, blood still pooling around my hairline and neck.

"She's lost a lot of blood and will most definitely need stitches, who's the attending on call?" Cristina questioned as Bailey directed them towards an empty bed in the ER.

"Can't a resident do it?" Bailey questioned.

"No way. My body is scarred up enough." I snickered. Bailey didn't find it funny, "Don't say Sloan." I said more seriously as we arrived at a sectioned-off area while holding the side of my head that wasn't bleeding.

"Sloan and Shepherd." I internally screamed as Cristina helped me lean back on the bed.

"I'll take Shepherd," I whispered while gripping Cristina at the elevation change, my head pounded. "God damn, my head hurts," I mumbled with a snorted scoff.

"Cristina, start an IV, I'm getting some blood bags and I'll have a nurse page shepherd," Bailey spoke while placing her hands on the air like she was putting a countertop.

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