Chapter 7: New Beginnings

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Sorry it's been a while since I updated! I hope y'all enjoy this story, we technically meet 3 new people in this chapter! Enjoy it lads! Much love and happy readings!

I was typing at a computer, standing up at the nurses' station on the first floor. A very, very hot young man wearing a leather jacket comes up behind me and peers over my shoulder.

"Invasive non-cell. With a history of COPD. That guy's pretty much a goner, huh?" A handsome man, wearing a slick leather jacket, says while walking up behind me as I try to complete my charts.

"Sensitivity. I like that in a stranger. Are you new here?" I question while not looking up from my work, only using my peripheral vision.

"Visiting. Confounded by all the rain and it's only my first day in town." He exasperated with a sigh.

"You get used to it." I reply while grabbing my charts to move to the nearby computer, the man Follows me.

"Makes me wanna stay in bed all day." He sighs with a vicious smirk.

"We just met and already you're talking about bed. Not very subtle." I say in disbelief.

Derek stands up noticing us through the window of the adjacent office behind the nurses' station. Addison comes up the hallway and looks shocked as well, matching Dereks expression.

"Subtle has never been my strong suit. So... do you ever go out with co-workers?" He asks slyly. Yeah, he was definitely hitting on me.

"I um...make it a rule not to." I reply with a smile.

"Then I am so glad that I don't work here." He stated with a large grin. I find it hilarious, charming yet cocky.

"Are you hitting on me? In a hospital?" I question in disbelief. He laughs lightly and looks me directly in the eyes.

"Would that be wrong?" He grins. He's hitting on me and I haven't even learnt his name.

"Meredith." I say kindly while strutting out my hand for him to shake. He recorperstes and goes to reach for my hand, as soon as our fingers lock I notice Derek strutting towards us, and proceeds to throw a punch into The mans face. I gasp quite loudly and help the now, bleeding, man off the floor.

"What the hell was that?!" I say stunned and angrily, Derek just punched a man straight in the face, for no reason, risking the mans face and his own 2 million dollar hands.

"That was Mark." Derek replies in a heartless tone. His voice is cold and bitter. My face tone drops and I look between the two. What the actual hell. I scoff and lead Mark to an exam room, prepared to let Derek sort this out as I help assess, as I now know as, Dr.Mark Sloan.

"Derek and I always did have the same taste in women. Ya' know." Mark states while I inspect the cut on his forehead.

"Excuse me?" I laugh.

"You're Derek's lusty intern, right? Heard about you all the way back in New York. You're famous." He muses. I sigh at the thought of that. An intern dating an attending, what the hell was I thinking.

"Hmm, well I heard about you all the way here in Seattle so I guess we have a lot in common."

"We're the dirty mistresses."

"I suppose we are." I smirk. I continue to evaluate the lacerations till I determine that it's noting more than a cut and ready to be sutured. I drape the towel I was holding on my shoulder and grab the Tools needed and start to numb his face before he interrupts.

"What do you think you're doing?" He questions right before I lean into his face with a needle. I sigh deeply.

"You need stitches. So I'm doing them." I sigh out. He rolls his eyes with a laugh.

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