Chapter 30: Getting in the swing

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I lived- OneRepublic

This chapter is shorter sadly, but good to get an update out, music is optional, hope you enjoy the chapter! Much love and happy readings.

"Right here." Bailey smiled while pushing a tired Meredith towards a room she had never been in before.

The weekend was rough. After her treatment she slept for the rest of the day, weakened and exhausted from the excruciating vomit and sweat that came with the course.

She was meeting and talking with her new physical therapist, and possibly getting started with small things today so she could get back on her feet, and then she would meet with her five times a week, skipping Friday's for her IL2 and Sunday's for a break.

Bailey knocked on the door and a muffled voice was heard on the other side, giving them permission to head into the confined room.

"Hello Dr. Bailey, hello Dr. Grey." The lady smiled lightly as Bailey pushed Meredith over to the couch opposite of the therapist.

"I'm Dr. Sommers, but you can call me Jasmine." She smiled once again as Bailey helped you transfer onto the couch.

"Hello Jasmine, you can call me Meredith as well." Meredith smiled back.

"Alright, I'll leave you too it, be back later Grey." Bailey said before leaving the room and shutting the door. Leaving the two ladies alone with each other.

"So Meredith, the first thing I'd like us to do is go over your disease and your past ones, just so I can try to better understand what I need to do to help you." She smiled while pulling out a notepad and ballpoint pen.

"Right, uh well, I had an ATRT tumor in my cerebral, it causing my entire right side to be temporarily paralyzed, and a lot of speech and motor issues... during the initial surgery, everything was supposedly fixed but they believe I will never regain 100% feeling in my right leg due to a small mishap." You explained. She was writing down quickly and nodding to show she was listening.

"My right hand is still weak but I can feel it and my right leg has little to no muscle control any longer." You dismissed off.

"Okay, and could you tell me a little about the transplant?"

"Yeah, uh, constant pain of course, I had one seizure from being Immunocompromised, and was placed on many things like a RVAD, and Cannulas, all that jazz, I don't remember much though after I was placed on mandatory ventilation." You shrugged. She nodded while jotting stuff down.

"So do you have any current problems besides weakness and no control of your right leg?" She questioned while looking up and resigning her small circle glasses up her nose.

"Sometimes I forget some things, my memory is still trying to catch up? And I have a little trouble saying bigger words." You shrugged once again. She nodded while closing her notebook and shifted her body position.

"If you wouldn't mind going in depth of your childhood as well, I did go through your chart but I would like to get a better understanding." She smiled. You nodded while picking at your nails.

"I've had cancers, pneumonia's, respiratory infections and diseases, pulmonary embolus twice, I've undergone eleven open heart surgeries and two heart transplant surgeries. I've had bone shaved off my hips and femurs. I've had every small cold or influenza or common disease you could think off. I've been in and out of hospitals my entire life and I don't really expect that to change, I'm just hoping for a break ya know, no more major things." You smiled sadly. She nodded while staring at you with care.

"So, once you start working again, you'll obviously need to be up on your feet, so our first goal will be regaining strength in your legs, arms, and abdomen. I'll have to talk with Dr. Torres but to get you walking we could resort to a cane or handheld crutches." She explained while thinking over plans in her head. You nodded softly. Of course you didn't want those things, but it would be better than being stuck in a wheelchair the rest of your life.

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