Chapter 27: Slipping Through my Fingers

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December 23, 2005. 10:12 am.

"Alright Meredith, everything seems to be in check, we are going to continue with the weekly treatments of IL2, but.. you are now fully in cancer remission." Rebecca said happily as she inspected Meredith's blood results. The L.D.H was completely lowered and the only off sets were the problems with her heart.

"Yay." Meredith rasped with a large smile, She had been getting weaker over the past days and was asleep most of the time, she could barely keep her eyes open for 15 minutes but she tried to push through, and she was able to muster a whole-hearted smile for the time being. Amelia and Cristina were in the room, both cheering for her, Meredith was glad it was a secluded group, She wasn't sure she could handle anyone else.

Derek had been coming around more often, Meredith was happy to see him but she wished she wasn't. She still had resentment stored in her heart when she looked at him, but she was able let it slide for now. She didn't have the energy to afire with him and sometimes his company was pleasing.

Meredith surgeons head cut off all contact from the nurses and residents, they said something about limiting contact, but really it was so the gossip wouldn't spread. Like we all know, gossip spreads faster than the flu in this hospital. So they hid the facts from Meredith so she could have a peaceful recovery.

Mark hadn't come to her room since that day she had fallen onto the floor. He hadn't even crossed the hall in front of her window. And that hurt. It really did. But she chose to ignore it and focus on the many people who did stop by.

"Now, all we need is a heart and you'll be as good as new." Cristina smiled while dancing back and forth slightly, the others laughed and Meredith resisted although she wanted to join in. She had permanently been moved off a nose cannula and into a full-time oxygen mask, breathing increasingly getting more difficult.

Meredith thought only to herself of the fact that she wouldn't be 'good as new' as Cristina said. Her right leg was still inaccessible, but she didn't want to ruin the mood. It was the first time in a while they had something to smile about. But, on the counterpart, Meredith was working on her hand movement whenever possible and it was slowly getting easier to control. She knew it would take time but was happy with the short-term outcome she currently had.

"I told you. Just hold off till New Years, we'll get someone." Cristian said kindly. Although hoping someone else would die in hopes of your friend surging wasn't the most humane she would do whatever it took.

"R-right." Meredith whispered with a small hackle. It radiated through her muscles as she shook slightly at every intake. Cristian smiled and rested her hand on Meredith's arm.

"You just need more time, and we are doing everything we can to give that to you..."


"Are you sure?" Burke questioned into the phone as it clarified. "Right now? Saint peters hospital? Okay. Yes. Thank you." He said calmly before hanging up. He hid the excitement as he punched the air and quickly wrote down his notes and went off towards oncology. He was only in the cardio portion of the hospital which wasn't too far from his destination, he chose not to run but only speed walk.

He popped his head into the room, slightly out of breathe, "Cristina? Could I talk to you." He requested, not wanted to say it aloud. She nodded and excused herself while following him into the hall, slightly confused on the sudden need of her expertise.

"What?" She questioned, feeling a certain sense rise at his exposure. His attitude had given her a thought in her mind but she didn't know if it was true.

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