Chapter 8: Be Prepared

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New update! I worked really hard on this so I hope y'all really enjoy, I had a lot of fun writing it, but it was honestly kinda sad. much love and happy readings!

I groaned loudly as I stood in front of my mirror. The three days of medication had passed and nothing changed. I felt as if I was getting worse rather than better. My body was stiff and my motions felt slow and my head always seemed to be pounding, throbbing, squeezing, whatever motion you could think of.

I shuffled out of my bathroom and walked down the stairs. I didn't have the motivation to eat this morning, I just plopped myself onto a chair at the counter and rested my head in my hands as my three chaotic roommates rustled around.

"Mer you good?" George asked through a mouth full of food. Specifically toast and eggs.

"Yeah I'm great." I said while lifting my head and smiling. It was a fake smile but it wasn't obvious. He nodded and continued to chow down. Him and Izzie were quite oblivious when it came to feelings, or maybe I was just good at masking mine. Who knows.

"Ready guys?" Alex asked while throwing on his jacket. Alex on the contrary was good at getting below people and lifting them up, under his rugged exterior he was actually quite a sweetheart. We all nodded and went to the foyer to collect our belongings.

"Can someone else drive?" I questioned as we reached the car. I feared that if I was driving on the road I wouldn't be able to control my body. Izzie looked suspiciously and slowly nodded. They had questions but I didn't have answers.

We all drove in silence on the short ride, that's how most mornings were. We either didn't have anything to talk about or were to tired to do so. Izzie pulled into the parking lot and scored a perfect space right by the hospital entrance. We all hopped out and the others rushed through the doors. I lingered behind slowly. My legs were slowly following the steps of muscle memory but they still weren't working in a normal fashion. My body wasn't mine. I was just a visitor in my own domain.

I finally entered the locker room and walked over to my locker. I went to lift the latch and open it but my right hand went numb. It wouldn't follow the commands being sent from my brain and was just lingering above to latch. I fumbled with the latch and it still wouldn't open.

"God damnit." I cursed, very frustrated. I clasped my hands together and rubbed my finger tips. I switched to using my left hand and finally lifted the latch to my locker. I threw my objects into it angrily and slammed it shut.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Cristina remarked with a chuckle. I nodded while not looking at her and continued to massage my right hand. She looked at my concerned and enveloped my hands in hers.
"Hey.. hey, are you alright?" She asked concerned while looking me dead in the eyes. I looked back and smiled without my teeth. Cristina was a sarcastic bitch at times, but she really did care for others, especially her close ones. She just wasn't a master at it.

"Yes. I'm fine." I nodded while standing up. I felt a wave of dizziness but ignored it. She nodded and scrambled off the wooden bench to follow me. The other interns and I were standing in a circle around Bailey as she gave out her orders.

"..and Grey, Dr.Robbins has requested you."


"Meredith! There you are, missed you in surgery, care to explain?" Arizona said while walking up to my position at the nurses station. I looked up and she softened at my face, she could see my pained expression.

"Oh.. yes, I'm really sorry about that.. I just had- had a personal issue. It's all sorted out now..." I replied in a sorry tone. She smiled and nodded.

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