Chapter 14: Turn it Around

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I lived- OneRepublic

Hey guys! I just got quarintined so I'll probably be updating more this week during class :P I also hope y'all like this chapter! Music is optional, much love and happy readings!

I was trying my best to rest although I was in immense pain. My eyes were just barely staying shut but thankfully Izzie was still there to comfort me. I had only vomited a couple more times and was quite pale but I was staying as strong as I could.

"Hello." Rebecca Swender said from the doorway. Izzie looked up quickly.

"Our two surgeons are here and they would like to meet Meredith." Rebecca said as quietly as possible. I was awake now and turned right side up in my bed to get a better look.
"Is that alright?" She added questionably. I nodded slowly, my throat feeling too try to speak.

"Ok, I'll get them." She smiled before exiting. I tried my best to sit up in the bed an dIzzie could tell I needed help. She lifted my head and propped a pillow behind my back. As she removed her hand a small clump of my hair came out with it. Izzie looked at it as tears began to well in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Mer.." she said sadly. I shook my head, signaling for her that it was alright. I had lost hair before, this wasn't my first tango.

"It's o-okay." I croaked out through a hoarse voice. My saliva tasted vile and my throat was very dry.
"W-wat-er." I stuttered. Izzie took the hair nad placed it in the trash can and quickly got a cup of water for me to sip gingerly from. I slowly took paced gulps and I felt slightly better.

"Hello Meredith, I'd like you to meet Dr.Amelia Shepherd and Dr.Tom Koracick," Rebecca said while coming in the room. Another Shepherd on our hands. I wondered how that was going to play out. And Tom, who was Amelias mentor. I smiled with a small wave of my hand. Trying my best not to speak.

"Hello Meredith, it's very nice to meet you." Amelia said kindly.

"Me as well." Tom said while coming farther in the room. He walked over and began to further inspect the chart.

"Are you r-related to- to D-Der.. ek." I had to pause to compose my prosperity of confusion. I still wasn't feeling all to well.

"He my brother, sadly." Amelia rolled her eyes. I laughed slightly but it turns into a light muffled cough.

"Very sadly. He isn't to fond of me. Very arrogant." Tom replied.

"Sounds like someone I know." Amelia nudged his shoulder while peering at the chart over his head. The seemed like they were close. Kinda like Alex and I. A brotherly-sisterly relationship.

"So we are going to meet with the other Dr.Shepherd and discuss a game plan. Out hope is to get in there as soon as possible to stop it from spreading any more than it has, we will have to get repeat scans before surgery for clear margins and there might be multiple operations depending on the placement." Tom explained while closing the chart and putting it back in the canister at the foot of the hospital bed. I nodded a little and watched as they said their goodbyes.

The second they left I slowed myself to vomit the versatile fluid I had been holding in. I tried my best not to do it when they were there. I let a few soft tears flow as I painfully hurled. Izzie did her best to clam me and looked up at Dr.Swender,

"I'm going to get you some more fluids." Rebecca said while leaving the room. She returned with two fresh bags of clear fluids to administer into my conjoined IV.
"Treatment should be over in about half an hour, then we have to do your Radiation therapy." She said sadly. I nodded and dug further into the pillows, wishing to escape this painful world.

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