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It's been a week. I haven't called him. Kian's card stays on my dresser in my bedroom and I almost give in each night as I ponder his words.

After our meeting, both my mum and aunt raved about his family. Despite the fact that Kian himself remained mute throughout his time at my house, aside from our conversation. They seem very enthusiastic about the possibility of us getting to know each other more.

We're eating dinner when my mum brings him up again. "Izzy, have you heard from him?"

I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"Maybe we should ask Helen to speak to Suzy. Put some feelers out there to see what they thought of us. I hope his parents aren't influencing his decision not to see you.  I didn't want to say anything but I saw his mum turn her nose up slightly when I brought out the homemade cak-"

"Mum," I interrupt. "You don't need to call Aunty Helen, I'm sure Kian is just... busy, that's all." I don't dare tell her that it's me who's been stalling. I've been conflicted over what to do and each time she brings up Kian's name and how amazing this all is, I'm reminded of his words.

As if she can sense somethings up, she rests her hand on my arm. "I'm sorry sweetie, I know I've been a bit full on about Kian." She takes a deep breath, "I just... I love you and I want the very best for you. Kian and his family, you'll be safe with them and never have to worry about the little things like I did. I just want you to be happy."

Awww shucks.

My mum is my everything and I worry about her stressing over me and my siblings. Maybe if I go forward with Kian's crazy plan, it'll take some of the strain off mum? It's the least I can do for her because she's given us everything.

I never envisaged myself falling madly in love so is it really that bad if I agree to Kian's plan and secure a good future for my family?

Like every other night this week, the decision plays on my mind. However, this evening, the decision weighs more heavier than before. It's when I'm getting ready for bed and brushing my hair that my eyes drift to Kian's card once again.

Screw it.

Before I can talk myself out of it, I pick up the card and dial the mobile number highlighted in black bold lettering. It begins ringing and it's only then that I realise that it's eleven thirty at night and Kian might be sleeping. Shit. Should I hang up?

Before I can take any action, the ringing stops and Kian's sharp voice fills my otherwise silent room. "Kian speaking."

No pleasantries, no emotion, and I'm not at all surprised.

I didn't really plan anything further than actually ringing his number, so when I hear Kian's voice, my brain short circuits for a few seconds.

"Hello?" It takes him having to query the silence for me to jolt out of my mini internal panic and actually respond to him.

"Hey err hi. Kian... I hope you weren't sleeping or anything and I'm sorry if I woke you. I just... well, I thought I'd call to see if your offer was still on the table." I stutter out the sentences, probably sounding so lame and uncoordinated.

"And who is this?" Is his bored response.

Crap! I didn't even tell him it was me!

"My bad! It's Isabella... Carlisle," I tack on my last name after a short pause in case he doesn't remember and laugh awkwardly,  to fill the dead air more than anything else.

"My office, tomorrow. I'll give security your name and info so they can let you up straight away. You know where we're based?" Is his response. No sign of recognition or emotion. Maybe I should start getting used to it.

Morally Grey (Grey Morals #1)Where stories live. Discover now