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It wasn't supposed to go down like this. Isabella wasn't the one who was supposed to walk in.

"I tried to stop her," Chief says as I stumble out of the building to follow Isabella.

"Fuck you," is my response. Chief was the one who said we needed a trap and bait in the first place. The least the motherfucker could have done is warn me when they were on their way.

I follow her to the car, calling out her name. I don't know what I intend to say but I need her to hear me out. She ignores me and gets in the car.

"You need to give her space," Chief insists.

"You did this," I growl, still following Bells.

"C'mon man," Chief grabs my shoulder but I shrug him off and twist around to face him so he sees I'm not in the mood for his bullshit.

"It didn't go as planned. Whoever it is that's behind the messages played us." He speaks just loud enough for me to hear. "But you also need to remember that you volunteered to be the bait. You decided to fuck that woman and now you need to deal with the consequences. Chill the fuck out."

I glare at Chief for a moment, hating that there's truth in his words. After learning about the messages Isabella had been receiving, Chief suggested trying to draw the person out by staging something that would get their attention. It's clear that the person is interested in me and is using Isabella to get to me. Why not give them exactly what they want?

I own this building and Gemma is one of the few women who knows what I'm about and what my needs are in the bedroom. No emotions and discreet- Gemma knows the score and we meet a few times a month whenever we both need to let off steam, parting ways without question after.

I've been needing to have a good fuck ever since Isabella and I fooled around like high-school kids at the auction event. I've been on edge and aggravated, which increased when I decided to move her in with me. The thought of having Bells in my living space, smelling her scent and being around her- it makes me feel fucking crazy because I'm drawn to her and I don't know why.

I listen to Chief but only because I need to get my shit together before I speak to Bells. I can't let her know that this was planned, but I also can't let her know that I chose to be the bait.

I think back to her face when she walked in the room. I deliberately positioned myself so I could see in the mirror anyone who entered, but I didn't expect it to be Isabella who walked in. Her face when she realised what I was doing- a pang hits my chest but I refuse to think about what it means.

I also refuse to acknowledge the way my heart spiked when we locked eyes. I may have been fucking Gemma, but it was Isabella that was making me feel something.

I walk around to my car which I had parked behind the building. I didn't want it to be noticed because I was expecting Isabella's stalker to turn up here. Instead, they sent her here. I don't know how they got the key, but it's been confirmed that they are quite resourceful. They also must have access to me or our corporation, otherwise there's no way they would have been able to get their hands on the key. I guess the bait did work but not in the way we had thought it would.

I sit in the car, thinking about how best to approach Isabella. This needs to be handled delicately and in a way which doesn't affect our fake relationship. She will have been moved into mine with all of her possessions now, and I assume that's where she came from with Chief. I had intended to go back home this evening and have a discussion about ground rules. Home. It's strange to think that Isabella and I will now share a home together. 

Morally Grey (Grey Morals #1)Where stories live. Discover now