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She passed out in my arms. I stop speaking mid-word as I feel Isabella's body go limp in my arms.

"Shit," Myah says as she advances towards me to check Isabella's pulse, the argument we were just having now long forgotten.

Seeing Bells in the state she's in has a panic going through me which is a feeling I haven't felt before. "What do I do?" I ask.

"You need to get her body temperature down as soon as possible. She's really warm," Myah is calm as she checks Bells over. She's a nurse so I trust her words without question.

"You want to put her down?" Chief stands to the side, knowing not to crowd over My when she's doing her thing. She might look petite and shy but when you know her like we do, she's fiesty as hell with a potty mouth to match.

I tighten my grip on Bells, not wanting to put her down even though my arms are admittingly beginning to strain a bit. When she ran out of the wedding hall earlier, I wanted to go after her. I knew something wasn't right when we stood up to have our first dance but I thought it was her nerves playing up. I've been keeping my distance and we've barely exchanged words with each other in the lead up to the wedding so it wasn't exactly my place to check in on her and make sure she was okay. Only when she'd been gone for a while and people started to notice, did I search for her.

"Has she eaten much today? How much of the dinner did she eat?" Myah asks me and I feel shitty because I don't have an answer. I wasn't paying any attention to Bells because I was too busy putting on a show for everyone else.

"What about fluids? Did she drink a lot today?" I stare at my sister blankly, not having a response once again.

Myah huffs, clearly unimpressed. "You need to get her stripped down and get a cold compress for her head. She needs rest and fluids but for now, just work on getting her temperature down, okay?"

Wait what? What does she mean by I need to get her temperature down?

"You're her husband you big doofus. Have you really forgotten your vows after two and a half hours? In sickness and in health, remember?" Myah looks at me like I'm stupid and I pretend that I don't hear Chief muffle his snicker from behind her.

"Can't I just take her to the hospital? Surely they'll do a better job than me." There is no way in hell I'm capable of looking after Bells when she's like this.

"Stop being such a baby," Myah roll her eyes and dismisses me, clearly not understanding how unequipped I am. "Chief can drive you back to yours and I'll be on the other side of the phone if you're unsure. C'mon bro, you got this." She gives me a pat on the back and walks off. I don't know what about me has given the impression that I'm okay with looking after Isabella, but clearly Myah doesn't think it's too difficult. Of course it's going to sound simple to a qualified nurse, I work in a fucking boardroom so I don't think my skillset applies here!

I begin walking towards the exit and I can feel Chief's smirk burning the back of my head. "Fuck you Chief," I say it without turning around because I know he's getting a kick out of this.

Chief doesn't say anything but I do see a hint of a smile as he opens the door for me to place Bells in the back of the car.

"What are you doing?" Chief asks as I set her down on the seat.

"What does is look like? I'm putting her in the car." I'm really not in the mood for bullshit right now.

"Dude, you have to get in there with her to make sure she doesn't roll off the seat while I'm driving. What if she bangs her head or something?"

Morally Grey (Grey Morals #1)Where stories live. Discover now