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I must have been so tired last night because I don't even remember getting into bed. That's the first thing I think when I wake up. The next is the registering of a heavy weight around my waist and a source of heat directly behind me. That's when I really wake up.

I jerk, not fully aware of my surroundings and the back of my head hits something.

"Ahh, fuck!" A male voice sounds groggily behind me and I still completely. The weight, which I now realise is an arm, tightens slightly pulling me close and I can feel the outline of everything the person behind me is packing. Holy shit.

I try to move, but the arm holds me still. Instead of freeing myself, I just end up wriggling against the solid wall of a body behind me.

"Keep still for a fucking moment Bells," the voice is low in my ear and a shiver runs through my body as I recognise the voice. Kian. Well, I guess I now know what my head just hit.

"W-what are you doing?" My voice is croaky and I mentally slap myself for how unattractive I sound. Not that I should care.

"I was sleeping," Kian's voice is directly above my ear and the sound of his voice awakens parts of me that needs to stay asleep.

"Don't you have your own room?" I question, trying and failing to elbow him. Instead, my arm brushes against something else entirely and Kian sucks in a sharp breath.

I still, mentally dying a slow death.

"You don't remember last night?" Kian doesn't make a move to release me and I don't make any movement whatsoever.

Coming to think of it, I don't really remember anything about yesterday evening. I try to think back to yesterday but my brain is filled with fog.

"The wedding..." Kian probes as my mind plays catch up.

"We're married," I state, still trying to fill in the blanks of everything which happened afterwards.

"We are." Kian confirms, still not releasing me. "You remember anything about the bathroom?"

The bathroom? I ponder for a few moments, trying to sort out all the pieces in my mind before it all comes rushing back to me. "What happened after you found me? I remember you carrying me and then... Myah was there?"

"You passed out. I pretty much spent all of yesterday nursing you back to health. You can thank me in a bit." Kian finally untangles himself from me, rolling onto his back and placing an arm behind his head. It doesn't exactly look like he's in a hurry to get up.

"That doesn't explain why you're in my bed." I gesture to him lying there like he owns the place which I guess is technically true. I try not to let my eyes linger on his bare chest, or the muscles which are taunting me. I know what they feel like wrapped around me and I wish I could say it felt horrible.

"You had a nightmare," Kian speaks plainly like those four words are enough of an explanation.

"And?" I ask, needing more than that to justify me waking up with his body pressed against mine in such an intimate manner. This is the longest conversation we've had since I moved in so I don't think it's exactly odd that I'm a bit confused about the situation. Especially when he's half naked.

"You were distressed. I came running in the middle of the night thinking that someone was attacking you. I'm basically your Knight in shining armour. You're welcome." He speaks as if he just cured world hunger.

"You're so full of it," I scoff, knowing there's no chance that Kian would even think to come to my aid if he thought there was an intruder. The guy would probably save himself first.

Morally Grey (Grey Morals #1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt