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Things have been different since we got married but I can't put my finger on exactly what has changed. The obvious is that Kian and I are husband and wife but we knew that was going to happen so I don't quite understand how that can be the reason. It started a week or so after our wedding. We didn't have a honey moon because Kian wanted to show the company how serious he was about work. I didn't want the pressure of being alone with Kian in a romantic setting so I definitely didn't argue when he stated that we were going to go about our respective lives as soon as the wedding was over.

I came home from work to find Kian reading a book in his library which was something I hadn't seen him do at all since I'd moved in. I would have questioned whether I imagined seeing him if it wasn't for the glare I received when he noticed me staring at him.

"Like what you see?" His monotonous tone didn't match the words coming out of his mouth but it did spur me to move. I ignored his remark and carried on to my bedroom, spending the night hidden in my room. I was used to having the place to myself when I was home, something which I did think was deliberate on Kian's behalf. Since I'd moved in, Kian had been gone when I had woken up in the morning and returned late in the evening, usually when I had retreated to my room. I'd hear him come in at around ten and it had become a habit to go to my room in anticipation of his arrival in order to avoid any frosty awkwardness. Seeing him there so early in the evening was weird, especially considering we had barely exchanged words since the kiss.

His presence around the apartment had increased overall and I found him already at home before me a few times a week. We would still spend our evenings separately, not exchanging any words, but I began to get used to hearing him move around the place and had come anticipate it even. I didn't want to acknowledge it but it had felt lonely and cold in the apartment before we married. I was used to living with family so the silence was disconcerting when I was home alone. Now, even in separate rooms, having someone else move around the house make me feel at ease.

I hear a solid knock on my bedroom door before it swings open to reveal a suited and booted Kian dressed in a black dress shirt and smart trousers. My gaze travels from his shoes upwards, taking in his muscular form and eventually meeting his intense stare through the mirror where I was getting ready. His family have invited us over for dinner this evening, something which I have learned is a formal affair even if they insist otherwise. Turning up in jeans and a tshirt is not an option and they almost always invite business associates which turn what is supposed to be an intimate gathering into a hosted dinner party.

I quickly break eye contact, putting on my earrings and checking myself over one final time. Kian takes it upon himself to walk into the room, my nerves increasing with each step he takes into the space.

"You haven't unpacked yet." His statement doesn't warrant a response because, yes, most of my belongings are still in boxes. I don't want to get settled in, only for Kian to change his mind and kick me out. We may be married but that doesn't make me feel any more secure than I did before we exchanged vows. I pick up my purse, making a move towards the door which means walking past Kian. "Why?" he questions.

"Why what?" I question.

"Why won't you unpack?" Kian implores, tracking my movements with his eyes. I shrug, not wanting to irritate him when we have to spend an evening as a happy couple together.

"Unpack everything tomorrow," he states, staring at me for a few more seconds before he walks out the room.


We arrive at the Reign mansion and it still feels as huge as it did the first time I visited. Even though Kian grew up here, he still knocks the front door before entering.

Morally Grey (Grey Morals #1)Where stories live. Discover now