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It was out on social media before we had even left the event. My phone, which I had put on silent, had blown up and my mum had left me voicemails gushing about how happy she was. It was too much too soon. He blindsided me.

If anything, it was the slap in the face I needed. Kian was doing this for one reason only and that reason was entirely selfish. I needed to remember this going forward because I will not let myself be blindsided like that again.

The rest of the event went by in a blur. His sisters congratulated us first, with his parents a close second. Then, it seemed like everyone in the room felt obligated to personally congratulate us and reminisce about their own engagements or gush about how lucky I was. I smiled. I remained polite. I let Kian lead us around, not really feeling present and instead feeling a sense of numbness.

The car journey back was silent. I had no energy to converse with Kian and I was too mad at him anyway. He broke the silence, telling me we would now have to be seen in public on a regular basis. I should think about moving in to his place to solidify our story of being swept up in a whirlwind romance. Our families should meet and begin wedding preparations. I remained silent, not saying anything as I left the car.

I counted the steps to my front door, with each step closer to my home feeling like the tightness in my chest was being loosened a notch. I needed to get to my room. I needed some quiet and I needed to get out of this stupid dress. My mum, however, had other plans.

"I knew it," my aunt stated as soon as I walked through the front door. "I saw you two standing together when they were last here and knew he'd be smitten!"

My mum throws her arms around me and gushes at the sight of the engagement ring. If it can even be called that. The diamond is big enough that it covers the whole of the front part of my finger, with it feeling like a doomed weight on my hand. I want it off.

I hate that my smile is fake. I hate that even in my own home, I don't feel free. What have I agreed to? If this is how I feel after being a part of Kian's world for a mere evening, what's the toll going to be after a month, a year? Can I even do this?

"Didn't Kian want to come inside?" The question catches me off guard and pulls me from my internal thoughts.

"He said he had some things he had to do," the lie falls through my lips, the first of many now that I've publicly agreed to this sham romance. I feel like a fraud.

My phone vibrates in my hand and I make the mistake of glancing down at the screen. Notifications upon notifications, along with texts from old acquaintances and friends. The most recent notification stands out. No emojis, exclamation marks or kisses.

K: Tomorrow 7pm. I'll pick you up from your house. Wear one of the dresses Clover left.

Never with the pleasantries and always so demanding. Why should I do what he says?

I have plans.

K: You don't.

And how would you know?

K: Be ready for 7.

I'm busy.

K: Don't test me.

Or what?

K: 7pm.

I dont bother responding to his message. Kian can't demand my time by giving me minimal notice or information about what I'm supposed to be getting ready for. This might be a fake relationship but we still need to communicate to make it work. I might need him but he needs me just as much. Tomorrow might be a perfect time to start watching that new Netflix show. How's that for a plan at 7pm Kian Reign?


"You have to come!" The phone crackles and I can barely hear Clover as she speaks. I can hear her moving about the room, with muffled voices and glasses clinking in the background.

I reached out to Clover to ask whether she knew what Kian might have planned for the evening. He must have given her an idea of what event to leave dresses for  and I was curious. Even though I don't plan on getting ready for 7pm, it would be good to have more information about where he thinks he's taking me.

Turns out, Clover is partying tonight and has decided I'm her new wing woman.

"You need to get your skinny ass here pronto! I'm not taking no for an answer!" I can hear her move the phone away from her mouth as she cheers with a bunch of people. Then my phone vibrates with an incoming message before Clover resumes talking. "I've just sent you the address, I need you here now! Unless..." I hear her take a gulp of her drink. "You're worried about what Kian thinks?"

"Why would I be worried about what he thinks?" 

"Duh, because he's your fiancé. I'm sure this isn't the type of thing he'd want to be associated with right now."

"You think?" I question, a plan forming in my head.

"I know," Clover confirms. "His sister told me a bit about the pressure he's getting from the powers that be. The party scene is definitely not the vibe Kian's trying to give off at the moment."

I smile, knowing this will be the perfect thing to piss Kian off.

"Clo, give me thirty minutes and I'll be on my way."

"Yessssss! I knew you'd be a baddie when I met you. Kian is going to be so pissed if he finds out!" She cheers, clearly tipsy and then I hear her yell. "Bella is coming!" I hear the room erupt into cheers and just know this night is going to be a wild one. I feel a bundle of nerves arise at the thought of going out to a party with people I don't know very well. I've never really been much of a party goer which is fitting considering this is exactly why Kian chose me. He thinks I'm too much of a good girl to do anything that would further tarnish his image.

Clover begins striking up a conversation with someone and I tell her that I'll see her in a bit. "Wear the nude dress!" she yells before hanging up.

Well. I guess I'm going to a party. 


A/N: thank you for your patience guys! I know I haven't updated in a long while but I hope to get the ball rolling with regular chapter updates ♡

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