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The next few months followed a similar fashion. Kian and I saw each other once a week for a public outing. Sometimes, I'd go to his office for lunch and other times, we'd go out for a quick meal to places where he knew we would be seen. He always made sure to give me a quick peck on the cheek or hug when we were in sight of other people. We forced polite conversation when we ate in public, ensuring that we smiled and gave off all the social cues that we are in a happy and loving relationship. Behind closed doors, we don't speak to each other. Lunch in his office consists of us eating in silence. After the first, hour long, awkward lunch encounter, I made sure that I brought my laptop so I could get on with some work while I eat in his office. Kian did the same.

Following the horrendous evening at the charity auction afterparty, Kian dropped me home. His threat hung heavily in the air and we did not speak for the rest of the journey. The picture taken of us while we were going at it hot and heavy was plastered everywhere. I think Kian managed to get his team on it so that there wasn't too much press, but it wasn't the best feeling having a reminder of that night on all the entertainment outlets and social media.

Some outlets talked about this being a short-lived, impulse romance, with Kian slumming it with me because he's been with everyone else in his social class, but most outlets seemed to have taken to the idea of us being so in love that we couldn't keep our hands off of each other. I'm guessing that was another job well done for Kian's PR team. Clover had messaged me to say that we looked hot together, but aside from that, I hadn't heard from her. I could almost convince myself that my life was normal, with the exception of the obligatory weekly meetings with Kian.

A couple of weeks after the auction event, my brother got confirmation that he had been chosen for the summer business internship and he was ecstatic. A week after that, one of Kian's people got in touch to discuss Joe's measurements for business attire. Apparently, there were unadvertised perks of the internship which included travel expenses and a whole new work wardrobe. Joe was loving it all and whilst I was really happy for him, it just reminded me of the power that Kian had over us now.

Mum had also been swept up in the excitement and perks of our new social status. A few people had reached out to her about private consultations which paid quite well. Mum was even toying with the idea of going part-time at the design agency and taking on more private work. It was exactly what I had always wanted for her yet I couldn't feel anything other than dread in the pit of my stomach. Kian was right. He could take this away from us in a heartbeat or change his mind and dispose of us entirely.

Wedding planning had also begun. Kian had hired an events coordinator and apparently she was well-known amongst celebrities for planning the most extravagant weddings. I know this because it was one of the first things she boasted to me when I met her. I think her father was someone with a lot of money because there was no way she had set up her agency all by herself. Twice, she had not turned up to scheduled meetings and she was never at her office. I think her staff did most of the work, with her only there as a figurehead for publicity. I'm pretty sure she attended the parties she had "planned" as a guest more than an actual coordinator. I, however, wasn't too concerned because this wedding was just for show.

"You'll move in after the wedding," Kian startles me as he breaks the silence during one of our lunches. We're in his office for my obligatory weekly lunch and of course, we're sitting separately.

"I thought you wanted me to move in before?" I make the stupid mistake of asking a question and I regret it when he glances up at me with distaste.

"No, it will be after." No further explanation is provided and I don't ask for one.

We're sitting in our usual silence when Kian's intercom buzzes. I'm not used to hearing the sound as Kian deliberately asks for no visitors during our hour. People may think it's because he wants to spend quality time with me but we both know it's because we find it exhausting playing up to the fake romance we've created.

"Mr Reign?" Kian's assistant speaks with caution.

"No visitors or interruptions during my lunch with Isabella. I thought I was pretty clear about it," he responds.

There's a crackle, and then the assistants voice comes through once again. "Y-yes sir, you were very clear... It's just that- your father is here and would like to see you."

His father? Shit. I haven't seen Kian's dad since the night we got engaged and to be very honest, he didn't seem all that pleased.

I give Kian an alarmed look and for a brief moment, I get to see through the stoic bravado as he looks at where I'm sitting on the far side of the office to him. He gestures me over and I quickly move my food cartons and laptop next to Kian. I then grab the chair on the opposite side of Kian's desk and manoeuvre it around, situating myself in it as I try to look like this is where I would sit normally.

"Sir, are you there?" Kian hasn't responded to his assistant yet and he proceeds tells her to send his father in after checking his desk to make it look like we were eating together.

A few moments later, there is a short knock before Mr Reign appears in the doorway. He doesn't wait for acknowledgement before he strides into the office.

"You forgot to move your napkins and utensils," he says dryly after briefly scanning the scene in from of him. He points towards where I was sitting and sure enough, my napkins, condiments and fork are on the coffee table. Crap.

I look from him to Kian in confusion and Mr Reign laughs. "I see you haven't told your beau that I'm aware of the agreement between the two of you?"

"I didn't think you'd be so obvious in your acknowledgement of it. What happened to the disdain and disapproval?" Kian responds sharply.

"Ahh well, I've just been to the quarterly board meeting. Seems like your little plan is actually fooling the old souls. Eugene almost gave you a compliment!" Kian's dad marvels, clearly impressed.

"Wait, you know Kian and I aren't really together?" I question, shocked.

Mr Reign chuckles. "I know my son would never willingly settle down with anyone, much to my wife's dismay. The only thing he has ever been passionate about is this company and he seemed to think that this crazy idea would get the board to forget his playboy ways. I thought it was the most ridiculous thing I'd ever heard and would most likely end up with your reputation ruined, but you both seem to be doing well so far."

"Is this you admitting that you were wrong?" There a hint of amusement in Kian's tone and I'm surprised because I've been on the receiving end of his glares for the past few months.

"Your mother doesn't suspect anything. I'd like to keep it that way." He doesn't bother responding to Kian.  "Speaking of, she would like to take you shopping for a wedding dress Isabella. We have a family tradition of buying the bride's wedding dress and my dear wife intends on carrying it on. Let Kian's assistant know your availability and we'll set something up. I'd clear a whole day in your schedule and invite your mother along." With that, Mr. Reign leaves, clearly having passed on to Kian the information he wanted.

Kian leans back in his chair, exhaling slowly. I can see him study me and I don't dare meet his eyes. He's avoided looking in my direction since the night at the auction event and I don't think I'm strong enough to bare the full force of his dislike this close up.

Thankfully, our hour is over and I excuse myself quickly, mumbling something about seeing him next week. I confer with his assistant about potential dates for dress shopping then proceed to make my way out of the building.

I'm just about to unlock my car when my phone vibrates with a text. Wow, Kian's assistant really does work quickly. I pull it out, expecting to see something about the dress outing but am presented with a message from an unknown number.

Unknown: We know your secret.

I read the text over a few times but decide that it must be a wrong number and carry on with my day. That is, until I get a second text the next day. And the one after that.

Morally Grey (Grey Morals #1)Where stories live. Discover now