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I sent her a glam squad. And it wasn't just any glam squad, it was the same team my mother and sister use. I don't know why it mattered, but I didn't want her to get ready alone. I also wanted some control over the situation which is why I personally briefed the team about what I wanted. It was unusual for me to be invested in my dates, and Clover gave me shit for it, but I didn't care.

Bells needed to look the part because today was going to be a very special evening. Not that she knew that yet though.

I got word from one of the board members close to my father that there had been more discussions about hiring Micah. A self made millionaire in his own right, Micah would only use the business to achieve his personal goals. He builds up companies, only to sell them to the highest bidder and there's no guarantee that he wouldn't do the same with my father's company if he got his hands on it. He wouldn't care about my family, the hard work and sacrifices we've made over the years. He only sees the potential in numbers, mainly how much money he can make.

I've decided to bring forward the plan. I don't have time to woo Bells for the masses to see, it's time I step up and pop the question. We can discuss the semantics later, I've already had my lawyer draw up a contract for Isabella to sign once we're officially engaged.

I know most will question the hastiness of the engagement, especially considering we haven't been seen in public together but I'm a private guy and don't care to provide an in depth explanation about my relationship. Most will probably assume I kept it a secret because Isabella doesn't run in the same circles as us and that's perfectly fine with me. Part of the reason for sending the glam team to her house was because I need her to look her best when I propose to her so publicly. Our pictures will be on socials by nightfall and my ring on her finger within the next two hours.

I text Isabella when we reach her house, having opted for a driver this evening to take us to the event. She appears at the car door a few minutes later, bringing in a gust of cold air with her. I don't bother looking up at her, I trust the team have done their job well.

We sit in silence, me shooting off a few emails on my phone, and Isabella staring out the window. I send the last email and finally put my phone away, taking note of Isabella's form. Her dress is modest, covering her body almost entirely in pink from head to toe and there's a shawl in place over her shoulders. I can see hints of her soft curves where the material is fitted around her waist, hips and bust, suggestive but not unsophisticated in the slightest. I approve.

"You ready for this?" My voice comes out gravelly and Isabella jumps slightly when I break the silence.

She tears her gaze away from the window, looking over at me for the first time this evening and smiles. With that one look, the ring box in my jacket pocket suddenly feels more weighted.

"Eh, it shouldn't be too difficult. All I have to do is smile and stand beside you, right?"

"And dote on me for being the sexiest, most loving boyfriend ever," I joke.

"That part might be a bit more difficult. I don't think anyone has ever referred to you as loving when describing you Kian. Unavailable robot would be more accurate. "

"But you admit that I'm a sexy robot," I tease. "I knew you were secretly kinky under all the quiet."

Isabella laughs at this, rolling her eyes. "Dammit, I was hoping to keep that part of me a secret until we were engaged at least. I'm in love with a robot, Kian. It's a love affair for the ages, the Romeo to my Juliet. We're destined to only be together in the dark of night when society can't judge us for our love." She barely gets out the last sentence without laughing and I'm surprised to find myself smiling too.

Morally Grey (Grey Morals #1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin