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"I don't ever want to see a box again," Kian huffs as he slumps on the sofa. Despite the rocky start, the afternoon has gone smoothly. Kian and I have been working pretty well together in unpacking my belongings and I have to say, he followed orders and helped me unpack every last item.

"Thank you for helping me out," I say, perching on the seat across from him. My words are sincere and I find myself smiling. Apart from the rocky start, today hasn't been awful.

"I'm letting the paid help do the work next time," he responds rolling his neck from side to side.

"Don't be so dramatic," I tease. "There was barely any heavy lifting involved."

"Having to see those boxes everyday for months on end had me feeling tense," he grumbles as he picks up his phone. I do the same and we sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes lost in our own worlds.

"Shit." I look up to see Kian frowning over his phone. He stares at it for a moment before springing in action and walking towards his office.

"Everything okay?" I call out but get no response except for the sound of the door to the office slamming shut.

The sound of the door resonates in my ears, the silence emphasising that I was a fool to think that Kian had actually enjoyed my company over the course of the afternoon. He did choose to help me out but I guess the progress I thought we made over the past few hours was a temporary respite from his usual cold demeanour.

Oh well. Back to the real world. My coffee from earlier sits on the table and I clear it up, washing the mug and putting away some other dishes. I know we have a dishwasher but because it's mostly me eating here alone, I don't see the point in running it when it's half empty.

My stomach growls loudly, alerting me to the fact that I skipped lunch so I decide to treat myself to some greasy burgers. I'm about to complete my order for one when it occurs to me that Kian must have also skipped lunch. Neither of us took a break when unpacking my room so surely he needs to eat. I know we don't have anything cooked here and haven't ever seen him use the kitchen himself so decide to order him something too.

We've only ever really eaten out together at high end restaurants where Kian ensures we're being seen by the right people, so knowing what Kian's taste is for a fast food burger joint isn't exactly easy. I decide to go with another order of what I'm getting so at least I will be happy to eat the left overs if he rejects the food.

I'm mid episode of The Office when the buzzer goes for the intercom. It's definitely too early to be my food order but I don't have time to get up to see who it is before the sound disappears. Hmmm, maybe reception accidentally buzzed?

I unpause the episode only to be disturbed a minute later when the elevator sounds. Someone has been given access to the apartment. My heartbeat ricochets as my mind races. I know Kian is here but there's no way that he'll be able to hear the elevator from his office. Since being sent the envelope with the key, I haven't received any messages or parcels but that doesn't mean they've stopped entirely.

I scan the room for something I can use to defend myself but there's no point because the elevator doors slide open. I'm frozen with fear as I wait to see who comes around the corner.

"Chief!" I exclaim, clutching my chest. "You scared the shit out of me."

I swear to god, this man could not care less about the fact I was having heart palpitations  thinking I was about to get murdered. He gives me one of those head nods that men do and walks straight towards the direction of Kian's office.

Morally Grey (Grey Morals #1)Where stories live. Discover now