24. till death do us part

Start from the beginning

He phrased the sentence as a question, but his tone was accusing.

Stiles' face dropped. "No. What does that mean?"

"It means he's officially missing." The agent tilted his head to the side, finally acknowledging my presence. "Why don't we all have a little chat?"


Agent McCall and Stiles sat down across from each other, both of them sitting on top of a desk. I chose to stand, still not comfortable with the fact that Scott's dad was basically interrogating Stiles.

"Why am I getting the feeling that you know something that could help us find your dad?" the agent asked, his gaze directed solely on Stiles.

I tapped my foot on the floor, trying to control the rage building up inside of me.

"Are you kidding me? Why wouldn't we tell you something that would help find the Sheriff?" I took a step closer to Agent McCall, throwing up my hands in exasperation. "How the hell does that make any sense!" I yelled.

Stiles put a hand on my chest, pushing me away from Mr. McCall before I could beat the living crap out of him. I took deep breaths to refrain from channeling my power and scaring him even more, though I wanted to so badly.

"We don't know anything," Stiles said calmly, turning back to the agent.

Frown lines appeared on his forehead as he shook his head. "Where are your other friends?"

Stiles quirked an eyebrow. "You mean Scott?"

"I mean Scott, Isaac Lahey, Allison Argent, the twins Ethan and Aiden," Mr. McCall explained, flipping through his pocket-sized notebook. "I've been told your whole little clique didn't show up at school today."

I rolled my eyes. "First of all, we don't have a clique. Secondly, why don't you get your head out of your ass. Are you even listening to yourself? If we knew anything, we would tell you. It's his goddamn father we are talking about."

"I don't think that's the way you should be talking to an officer, young lady." McCall scowled at me. "There has been a disturbing amount of violence happening here in the last few months. Several murders are tied to this school. I don't know what's going on here, but it's serious, and you should take it serious, too."

Stiles grabbed my hand and squeezed, holding me back from lashing out again. How dense was this guy, going around and saying that Stiles didn't care about his own father's well being?

After about a minute of silence, McCall finally stood. "Fine," he huffed. "I'll go. But I don't want you two going home alone. Do you have someone you can stay with tonight?"

I bit my lip, wondering what great lie Stiles was about to tell, until an unexpected voice piped up from behind us.

"They're with me."

I whirled around to see who in the world was saving us from staying with Agent McCall. I couldn't say I was surprised to see the familiar face.



I took my place in the veterinarian's operation room, standing stiffly next to Stiles. Allison, Lydia, Isaac and Deaton stood around the two of us as Stiles began to say whatever was on his mind.

"The Nemeton has to be on a telluric current," he started, waving his hands around as he spoke. "Or maybe where they all intersect. I just know it's where Derek took Paige to die."

Paige? I thought to myself, my brow furrowing. Who was Paige?

Before I could ask any questions, Allison spoke.

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