|62| More Beautiful than Dawn itself

Start from the beginning

And to his own horror, to which he knows that Jimin knows of this disease of his too, is a damper overall. The first time he had admitted it to the Demon, it didn't go well- not with the way Jimin appeared so startled that he had sought to run away.

Perhaps it is uncommon for him to hear something audacious as 'love'. Things in hell are run differently afterall and from what he has learned about it, the creatures do not hold relations something as deep as wanting to be a family.... or to be tethered to one person for all its eternity. There is no aspect of 'love' amongst them. Loyalty, devotion, worship, anger, fear, hunger, desire, lust, is all that they can bear in their frames of eternal flame.

Taehyung doesn't speak much, but he meant it when he had said it, even if the person he had declared it to- wasn't the person he wanted it to be. He meant it, word to word, even if he was crumbling within.

But Jimin was spooked with his bold declaration, so much that Taehyung almost felt ashamed at himself.

Those were difficult times but he had pulled through in the end.

Still he didn't understand what was it now that had warranted Jimin's extreme trip to a high end fashion store to shop for him.

And.... to seduce Jungkook.

For what he knows about Jungkook.... or atleast what he's experienced until now.... Taehyung knows he doesn't have to really put up a show, all dolled up for the Devil.

He knows for one, Jungkook's blood is always running warm and his cruel fingers always try to outsmart him, making his knees go weak- there really is no need for putting efforts, for almost as if it's some twisted miracle, Jungkook always seems to want his rather scarred and battered body.

Still, he humors Jimin's wishes and goes along with it, if that's would help the red haired Demon to simmer down and stop cussing out loud.

Forty five minutes of silent wandering later, Taehyung eventually spots a mop of red walk in his direction and so he remembers the words (threat) 'you better find something before I return'

Taehyung has found nothing and immediately dreads, instinctively grabbing a shirt from the aisle behind him without casting a look at it.

"Oh I thought you took off" the Demon speaks, eyeing the man and Taehyung frowns.

"Did you find anything to your tastes?"

Taehyung fumbles around the clothing in his hand and shows it to the man. Casting out a first look himself, Taehyung observes the shirt. Its a nice blue shirt with a white collar, the texture is not all that soft and speaking overall, it's not all that bad- except for the obnoxious white flower on the breast pocket.

Taehyung grimaces at the Discovery and he then eyes the price tag of a whopping eight digits.

Taehyung gulps.

"That looks like trash." Jimin comments.

Taehyung sighs in relief and places it back on the rack almost methodically.

"OK then let's go someplace else, I'm sure-" Taehyung begins, nothing but excuses to leave the store and head over to some remotely less expensive outlet.

"Try this on"

The Demon cuts in, pushing deep maroon silk shirt in his hands.

"What?" Taehyung holds the silky fabric.

"Trial rooms. Go." Jimin instructs and at the word, the looming assistant springs to life, ushering him to the secluded rooms.

Taehyung as common as every other boring generic man can be, has never stepped into a trial room.

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