Chapter One

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⚠️  TW - Alcohol/Drug Abuse & Suicide ⚠️


Y/N sat bolt upright, their heart was racing, sweat beaded on their brow as their hands gripped the sheets in clenched fists. It took them a moment to remind themselves it had been a nightmare, a nightmare that haunted every moment of sleep that they had tried to get these past few months. 

It was the same as it always was, they were back in that destroyed apartment block, staring over the edge, being forced to look at the broken body of the woman they had loved with all their heart. A constant reminder that it had been all their fault, that they had been the reason for it and that they had failed Natalia. 

For the first month Y/N had searched and searched, looking for any trace of Bucky or Antonia, but it had been impossible to track them. Whenever Y/N had thought they had a lead it would go cold almost immediately. Y/N had exploited all their connections in the criminal underworld, but none of them would talk, the fear that Antonia had created silenced them all. 

Turning their head, Y/N looked at the glowing red numbers on the alarm clock on the small side table, it was 04:00am. That was a grand total of two hours sleep. Y/N sighed, they had survived on less. Y/N knew that trying to go back to sleep would be pointless, so they shoved the sheet away and swung their legs out of bed. 

Y/N got dressed and headed out into the open planned area of the loft they were renting under one of the many aliases they had created, they had no intentions to make it easy for anyone to find them. The bottle of vodka sat open on the coffee table, that they had started last night when they had returned from an assignment. Picking it up, Y/N took a swig straight from the bottle, letting the liquid burn their throat. 

Assignments, alcohol and on occasions harder substances had become Y/N's vices, they relied on them to make it through the days now. There were often moments, the darkest of moments that Y/N would consider ending it all, they'd hold the gun to their head and think about pulling the trigger. 

The world was in darkness, there was no hope left in it for Y/N. The one person, the one thing that had made them good was gone and now they didn't know who they were meant to be. Every time it crossed their mind, the thought of ending it, Y/N reminded themselves that before they could, they had to end Antonia and Bucky. They would have their revenge for what they had done to Natalia. 

Taking another mouthful of vodka, Y/N went over to the small desk set up in the corner of the room. Entering a series of codes on the keyboard, Y/N watched as the screen on the laptop flickered and processed the command they had entered. A moment later the encrypted mailbox appeared on the screen and sitting there unopened was a new assignment. 

"Whose unlucky day is it today" Y/N muttered to themselves as they clicked on the message. 

It appeared that some high flying criminal attorney had got mixed up with the wrong people, or upset the wrong kind of people. Y/N didn't really care though, whatever they'd done was of no concern to them, all they had to do was carry out the hit and get paid. It was as simple as that. 

Opening the attached file, Y/N began to study the information that had been provided to them and form a plan for when and where they would complete the assignment. It should be straight forward, the guy had a meeting that afternoon and there would be plenty of spots for Y/N to conceal themselves. 

"Easy enough" Y/N said as they closed the laptop.

"You can stop judging me, you like the expensive food and want to eat don't you? It's not like you're getting a job to pay for it are you" Y/N spoke to the black cat that was sitting on the bookshelf watching them. 

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