" Hello, I am Noor" I replied slightly bowing hesitant to shake hands with her. What if she is the same like Suzy?

Acting all sweet and friendly but inside a hideous person.

" Oh" she retracted her hand awkwardly, ahh now the situation is awkward but not before Suzy stepped in a few seconds later calling my name in anger " NOOR!"

Suzy stopped at her place as Michelle turned to look at her and her anger faded turning into the one she always showed me; disgust and annoyance.

" Michelle, what are you doing here?" Suzy asked nonchalantly as she crossed her hands in front of her chest.

" As bitchy as ever Suzy. I see my stupid brother hasn't thrown the garbage yet." Michelle humiliated as I made a small gasp surprised that she talked back to Suzy.


" Who are you calling garbage you bitch!" Suzy snarled her hands falling by her sides as she glares at Michelle.

Do they both hate each other?

" I see no one else to accuse than a barking bitch here" she throws back. Damn she is good in making her really mad. I heard Suzy groaned in annoyance and her gaze shifted at me.

Oh oh

" GET THE TEA ALREADY!! AND FOCUSE ON YOUR WORK!" She screamed and I flinched nodding my head not wanting to be her stress reliever. But I already am ain't I?

She left stomping her feet and I could relax myself but stiffed when Michelle turned herself to me.

" Relax would you? I don't bark like her but I do bite. RAWR" she motioned, her hands turning as if its claws and attacking me while I stepped back as she laughs at my reaction.

" We can chat later but for now prepare the tea she was saying. I don't want to be the reason you get a scolding from her again, not that I can't fight for you from her but Leo will be angry at me and never allow me to come here again if he knows it's because of me a scene is created." She elaborated and smiled while I just nod not really understanding what she meant and just started to make the tea.

In the boiling water, I added smashed cardamom and ginger. I let it shimmer for a while and then add the tea powder. I let it boil and then from the fridge I took the milk and added accordingly as the scent began to evaporate. Nice!

" WOAH! Nice smell! What tea is this?" Michelle asked sitting on the kitchen counter near the stove looking at the boiling tea and smelling its aroma.

" u-um... Chai?" I whispered not really sure what to tell her what it is so I just said Chai which also means Milk tea but I don't bother to explain her that.

" NICE! Can't wait to taste it!" she chirped with a wide smile. She seems nice.

" Michelle" a voice called out really deep that could send shiver from fear within anyone as I jump startled hearing it while Michelle jumped off from the counter walking towards the voice with a huge smile " Leo!"

"Why didn't you come to meet me?" the voice who I know now belonged to Leo asked her.

" Oh- I was just talking with my new friend Noor" she replied . Friend?

When did we became friend? I stirred the Chai preventing it from overflowing as they still continued to talk.

" Friend?" he asked and I could feel him staring at me but I dare not turn to see them.

" Yeah she is really different from us and cute" she complimented but I know she might not mean it, still.... it's good to hear something good once in a while.

His Weakness Where stories live. Discover now