Craning my neck to look at her I'm left with a tightening feeling in my chest when seeing her eyes. The brown and green mixing into this perfect color. Brushing my thumb across her cheek I smile at her, wishing for this to be my heaven if I ever die.

"You have a funny look on your face, Whitlock." She snorted, holding my hand closer to her face.

"Have you ever been in love?" My eyes are drawn to the ceiling, afraid of her answer and reaction. Angels and clouds were painted in a mural above, bringing me some sort of comfort.

"Never..." Her words were quiet, probably staring up as I am. Neither of us said anything for a moment, enjoying the silence.

"Have you?" Her words made my stomach turn in the worst and best way possible. Memories of my previous love filled my mind but soon disappeared when thinking of her.

"Yes. It was painful. I wish to say I'd never do it again but... life surprises us in many ways." I laughed to myself, trying to calm my uneasy heartbeat. A breathy giggle made my head spin and my breath stutter. Her smaller hand found mine, lacing our fingers together and squeezing tightly.

"Is that your way of saying you love me?" Her words made me feel like I was going to have a heart attack, afraid of rejection, afraid of ruining what we have.

"If I were to say it... how would this affect us?" My throat felt dryer than ever before.

"You'll just have to find out the hard way." Turning into my body she let go of my hand and placed it on my chest, leaning some of her weight on me as she sat up.

Her front faced mine but hung onto it halfway, only really keeping her arm and head on me with her leg wrapped around mine. She gave a very neutral look, not a hint of any emotion behind them. Cupping her cheek gently I watched her closely, hoping I'm not making a mistake.

"Amilia..." She leaned closer to me.

"Yes?" Her lips brushed over mine, taking the air right out of me. The anticipation was killing me, her eyes half lidded and lips just grazing mine so delicately.

"I'm in love with you." The world felt like it stopped, the silence deafening. Her lips pulled into a smile as she pressed them into mine. My hands found her waist and cheek with ease, returning the slow and passionate kiss.

"Again." She husked out, smile still in place.

"I love you." A quick kiss pressed to my lips.

"Again." She giggled, cupping my cheeks."

"I love you." Another kiss was placed on me.

"One more." She bit her lip, eyes scanning my face.

"I love you so much that it terrifies me." My chest felt ready to explode, heaving up and down as I tried to keep breathing.

She pressed a long slow kiss to me, hands tangling into my hair as she scratched my scalp the way I loved. She straddled my hips and sat above me, her hands holding mine.

"I love you... Azrael." I could see tears ready to escape as she sat above me.

She moved my hands along her body as my heart soared, more than ecstatic to have the feelings returned. Leaning up I hook my arm around her waist and turn us over, placing her below me gently.

The books sprawled out and covered the floor around us, getting kicked and pushed away as we made out. My hands slide her dress up and toyed with the flimsy fabric of a lace thong.

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