"Monkey," she answered. "Because they eat bananas and they're funny and they look cute in bows," she clarified, an answer Camila would have given.

I handed over an m&m before moving onto the next question.

"Do you like Shawn?" I asked, a little hesitant to bring the subject up.

A smile grew on her face when his name left my mouth. "Yes," she nodded.

"Why do you like Shawn?"

Her doe eyes looked up at the ceiling as she tried to come up with an answer. "He plays with Ash and I," she finally answered, her eyes looking back into mine. "He reads us stories before we go to bed, he helps us color pictures when mommy is busy, and he keeps mommy safe," she finished with a smile planted on her face.

"Is that why you call him Superman?"

The toddler looked at me confused before shaking her head. "No mama, Shawn keeps mommy safe from Superman."

"Why do you call him Superman if he hurts mommy?"

"Because he always wears a Superman shirt," she answered. "Now m&ms please," she said, holding her hand back out.

I handed over the bag, my mind caring more about who this Superman is than how many m&ms my three year old is currently eating. If Shawn isn't Superman than who is?

"Hey Lauren, she's all yours" a voice said, snapping me from my thoughts.

I turned my head to see Camila standing in the doorway. Her chocolate eyes didn't shine like normal, her face was paler, she looked sick.

"Mama gave me candy," Kayne spoke up.

"I see that," the younger girl laughed, crossing her arms. "I was going to put you down for a nap, but I guess I can't now since you're all sugared up."

"Hey Kayne, why don't you go play Barbies with Aunty DJ," I suggested mainly because I wanted the toddler out of the room so I could talk to Camila.

"But Aunty DJ just breaks my Barbies," she pouted.

"If Aunty DJ brakes your Barbies I'll put her in timeout," I joked.

Kayne picked up her Barbies and ran out of the room. "Aunty DJ, break my Barbies!" The toddler yelled from the other side of the hallway.

"So, how are you?" I asked the young Cuban, standing up from where I was sitting.

"I'm okay," she replied, breaking eye contact. "Just exhausted," she added, looking back up into my eyes. "How 'bout yourself?"

"Not too bad," I nodded my head.

"Jauregui!" I heard the loud mouth Polynesian yelled from the other end of the hallway. Seconds later she was standing next to Camila with Kayne holding onto her leg. "What da hell you feed to your little demon?"

"Ask her mother," I replied, pointing to Camila.

"Lauren decided to feed my child an entire bag of m&ms," Camila jumped in, pointing to the empty bag of m&ms that was laying on the floor.

"You're lucky they're looking for you in wardrobe," she glared. "Or I'd be murdering your ass right now."

"You wouldn't be the first person to," I smirked, before pushing past the two of them.


"Mama, lay with me," Kayne whined.

Camila's mom was supposed to put the girls to bed after we preformed our first song, but clearly that didn't. Whenever the girls are tired, they decide to whine instead of going to sleep. It drives me insane.

"Go lay with Sissy," I replied.

"She's laying with mommy and I don't want to sleep next to mommy. I want to sleep next to you."

I sighed, knowing I wouldn't get important emails out unless I got her to sleep. I grabbed a hold of her hand and led her back to the bunks. I lifted the tiny girl into my bunk before climbing in. I pulled my Lana Del Rey blanket over us and rubbed her back until I heard her softly snoring.

I kissed the top of her head before carefully climbing out of the bunk. I walked towards the back lounge and pressed a button, causing the door to slide open and reveal Camila sitting on the couch.

Her eyes were red and puffy, and her cheeks were stained not only with tears but with mascara. I sat down next to the young Cuban, pulling onto my lap and wrapping my arms securely around her. Her body stiffened up at my touch, but slowly relaxed after a few seconds. Her hands trembled as they held onto my black 1975 t-shirt.

"Help me," she whispered loud enough for me to hear. "Please," she begged, her voice cracking at the end.

"Shh," I soothed, running my fingers up and down her back. "I have you, Camz," I whispered before placing a soft kiss on her head.




So this one was short but I promise the next one will be longer!  

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